Panda Cory Information!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:D I finally decieded that I want to get a small school of Panda Cories for my 29 gallon tank. I have a few questions before I get them! :nod:

Is four cories a good number to start with?
What do they eat?
How do you tell male from female? :unsure:
Sasha said:
:D I finally decieded that I want to get a small school of Panda Cories for my 29 gallon tank. I have a few questions before I get them! :nod:

Is four cories a good number to start with?
What do they eat?
How do you tell male from female? :unsure:
4 is a good number, but just as other schooling species, more the better. They eat just about everything they can get to, including most flakes, pellettes and wafers. They also like to eat worms such as blood worms, live, frozen or freeze dried. Variety is important just like it is for other species.

As for distinguishing males vs females, females are supposed to be larger and fatter. I've yet been able to sex them though - I am still trying to breed them and I haven't a clue if I do indeed have a mix of males and females. I have 4 of them, so I am hoping that I have a mixed sex.
Sasha said:
Is four cories a good number to start with?
What do they eat?
How do you tell male from female? :unsure:
Yay! She's getting Panda Corys! :kana:

They're such fun little fish! Mine eat algae wafers, the flake/granule food that falls to the bottom, tubifix worms, and perhaps the freeze-dried bloodworms if they eventually sink to the bottom. A group of four would be just fine. My poor little Panda is the lone Panda in my tank - his buddy died of Popeye :( He does have two Peppers buddies, and as soon as I get a bit of money, Panda's going to get a buddy or two :)

For pictures/information on sexing Corys, go to (I think that's the URL). Somewhere on there, in the "Articles" section perhaps, they have a drawing and some pictures, along with an explanation, to help you sex your Corys.

Enjoy your lovely little Pandas!

aka Married Lizard

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