Panda Cory Doing Barrel Rolls!? Help Please!


New Member
Feb 20, 2008
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I have a 5 gal hex tank with a male crowntail betta, a ghost shrimp, a bamboo/singapore wood shrimp, one bronze cory, two leopard corys, and one small panda cory. The tank has been doing perfectly fine until just recently (i.e. the last two days). I did an algae cleaning using a Tetra StayClean aquarium wipe as well as changing out the filter and removing and cleaning the decor in the tank. Upon finishing the cleaning and adding the decor back into the tank I noticed my panda acting rather strange. He was laying lopsided on the gravel and tended to fall over when he was laying still. Today, his eyes appear badly sunken into his head, his gills are very red, and he is doing severe barrel rolls both vertical and horizontal when he tries to swim. Please help. I have no idea whats wrong with him. If theres any treatment/action that can be taken to solve the problem I would greatly appreciate some input. Thanks.

Cories can 'spin' when they are about to die. I'm sorry but I'm not sure there is anything you can do :( Try a search on this forum, cories spinning tends to come up quite regularly.

Can you test the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
All my corys have spun before they died. To be honest if he cant swim and is just spinning round and round i'd help him along his way. If you don't feel you want to that's fine but personally when i've been in your position i've done it.Sorry :(
All my corys have spun before they died. To be honest if he cant swim and is just spinning round and round i'd help him along his way. If you don't feel you want to that's fine but personally when i've been in your position i've done it.Sorry :(

I was afraid that would be the case. :( Well, I'm not one for suffering so I guess I'll help him along. Thanks a lot for you input though.

I'd test your tank for ammonia. By "cleaning" your filters, decor and such all at the same time I'm willing to bet you may have hurt the population of beneficial bacteria in your tank and caused an ammonia spike.

Speaking from the experience of working in a pet shop.. many fish get "the spins" and I have never seen one recover from it. Generally they are gone within a matter of hours. :(
Hi lotr_rul3z,

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

There's a small possibility that your cory is spinning from an injury it might have sustained while you were moving things around. If so, there is a chance it could recover if the injury is not too severe. Often they do not. :/

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