Panda Cories


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
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Bought some panda cories the other day, they look very small, at what size/age are they ready for spawning. And any tips, would really like to give breeding ago.

Also does anyone know a good way for sexing them, its very hard with them being small
I found that it took quite a few months after getting our pandas before they started breeding. Also, sexing them was a bit harder than the bronze corys. The females aren't as wide as they bronzes, but you do see a difference in male and female. We just fed them live food, did water changes, and the corys spawned for us. We have a bogwood log covered in java moss that they ONLY lay on. Patience is the only thing with these corys. Ours only started breeding when they were all fully grown. We have 2 females, 2 males and one that doesn't participate, so not sure whether its male or female.

One of our females,

Mine spawned at around 1". They were pretty small.

Lol, I did absolutely nothing and still to this day do absolutely nothing, they just spawn all the time on their own.

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