What are they all going drop dead or be miserable if you don't buy at least 10? I have 3 sets of schooling species - 4-6 in each group. For my Cory's I have 4 because that's all I have room for and that's all the store had. They seem to have a lot of fun together but they "shoal" I guess, I've never seen them school (omg - maybe I needed the magic number 6 to school!!). Being bottom feeders they all want to eat in exactly the same place - so it's cute to see them nudge each other gently out of the way. Now I've got some huge Gourmii's (I bought 2 pairs) and they seem to be bottom feeders as well - but while they knock each other out of the way - they leave the cory's alone even though the cory's are half their size. Anyway - all my schooling fish (Zebra Danio's for example) school beautifully in a tight back. I don't think they know they are missing anybody. I'd need more room in my tank for them to have fun schooling with 6-10 so they seem to be accomplishing their natural behaviors without more fish The downsize is that I would imagine a HUGE school would be beautiful to watch. Maybe that's why 6-10 are recommended. .