Hi I have just been given 6 lamp eye panchax. can anyone tell me anythig about these, like feeding(daphnia?), breeding, other fish that can be with them?
I have a twenty gallon tank and they look stupid on their own.
There are 2 subspecies under the current name: luxophthalmus luxophthalmus from Benin, Cameroon, Nigeria and Togo; and luxophthalmus hannerzi found only in Nigeria. This is a fairly peaceful shoaling fish that prefers water movement. A group of them would make a good addition to any small species community aquarium. The water requirements are around neutral (pH 6.8 7.3) with temperatures between 72F and 79F. These fish prefer small live food, but will accept frozen or quality freeze dried foods.
Males have light blue areas on their bodies and fins and red dots on the tail. Females are plainer and have shorter, more rounded, colourless fins. Both sexes have the bright blue 'lamp-eye'. They should be bred in a small group of at least 3 pairs. The eggs are attached to the plants. The tiny fry hatch in 10-14 days and initially require the smallest live food available, e.g., microworm. Best of luck with them.