Panchax Aggressive?


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Manchester, United Kingdom
I recently bought 2 golden panchax and the shop owner pointed out 2 celebes halfbeaks which looked unusual and he said they would get on really well together, so i bought them. As the week progressed the halfbeaks got pushed away from where they usual accumilate at the top of the tank, then they started to dissapear and i looked about the find them hiding near the bottom, which i found unusual for this species, few more days and they looked like they were being picked off and attacked and i later found them both dead :(, i was wondering if the panchax killed them off, they seemed to do it to my neons aswell :L
and do you have 2 male panchax? One will become dominant, bully/chase the other one and the weaker will slowly fade away.

I made the exact same mistake when I bought 3 males. Weakest died and I took the 2nd weakest back to the shop when I realized what was happening.
I'm not sure, how do you tell sex with this species? they dont seem like they fight each other

and do you have 2 male panchax? One will become dominant, bully/chase the other one and the weaker will slowly fade away.

I made the exact same mistake when I bought 3 males. Weakest died and I took the 2nd weakest back to the shop when I realized what was happening.
if they are both brightly coloured, they are male.

they dont actually fight, but the dominant one will chase the other when he sees him. May not start straight away, but will probably occur at some point.
this isnt my fish but mine both looked similar to this one :)

if they are both brightly coloured, they are male.

they dont actually fight, but the dominant one will chase the other when he sees him. May not start straight away, but will probably occur at some point.


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