
That clown in your system can be PRETTY violent, one with the potential to cause human harm, after all, they are part of the damsel family.

To suggest that the risks of having a clown fish are equal to the risks of having zoanthid polyps is just an irresponsible from an experienced reef hobbyist in a forum and a thread with newcomers to the hobby. You know full well that these are not equal risks.

By your logic, one should never get out of bed. Oh wait, then one runs the risk of bedsores.

There are fish and corals that carry and routinely expel deadly toxins, for which there are no known or readily-available antidotes. Worse, most places that sell these things do not prominently display these facts, leaving it up to the hobbyist to just know.
That clown in your system can be PRETTY violent, one with the potential to cause human harm, after all, they are part of the damsel family.

To suggest that the risks of having a clown fish are equal to the risks of having zoanthid polyps is just an irresponsible from an experienced reef hobbyist in a forum and a thread with newcomers to the hobby. You know full well that these are not equal risks.

By your logic, one should never get out of bed. Oh wait, then one runs the risk of bedsores.

There are fish and corals that carry and routinely expel deadly toxins, for which there are no known or readily-available antidotes. Worse, most places that sell these things do not prominently display these facts, leaving it up to the hobbyist to just know.

Yes this is all true...i spoke with someone who has a doctorits degree in marine biology Dr.Mac. I asked him about palytoxin he said he has been working with zoanthids for a long time and has never had a issue, it affects some people more than others and depends on how your body handles a bee sting some people are allergic some are not some are DEADLY allergic some are not...however yes i agree it is with best bet to be as safe as possible and possibly wear some type of glove while handleing zoanthids, but i do not think i am going to let it affect me with a awesome hobby and they do look cool. my friend sticks his hand in his tank all the time with zoanthids and never washes his hand never had an issue and i hope he does not, but that just goes along with the affecting some people more than others. either way we should all be as safe as possible when working in a reef tank.

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