Pair of German Blue Rams being aggressive towards each other


New Member
Nov 20, 2020
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Hey again. So I have a pair of GBRs that previously bred. They were supper nice to each other and followed each other every where around the tank. They have no tank mates, but now the male is being aggressive towards to female. He is chasing her around and her tail is not bitten in some places. This started just the other day and I am confused on why there was a change in behavior. Any idea what is going on? Thank you!
Cichlids will sometimes have battles of strength proving that both are ready to spawn
Okay. That's pretty interesting. Do they usually do this until they are ready to spawn again? The female seems pretty distressed, will she even want to spawn with him after this?
Who knows, nature is fantastic. Hang in there. And I would say don't interfere
Thank you so much for the reply and I’m sorry for the late reply. You were definitely right that I should leave them! Because I did and now there is a new batch of eggs and from what I can tell, no more aggression. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the reply and I’m sorry for the late reply. You were definitely right that I should leave them! Because I did and now there is a new batch of eggs and from what I can tell, no more aggression. Thank you!
I am so pleased it is working out. Cichlids are fantastic to watch when they have a spawn, enjoy.

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