Painting Inside Tank


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
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I have a 40 gallon TruVu tank with the built in filter and colored background. I got a great deal on the tank a long time ago from a friend who used to be in the business. Long story short, the background is a very light blue and I hate the color. I want to paint the back of the tank black. Has anyone ever done this? What kind of paint should I look for to do this? Thanks!
Hi, is the built in filter light blue too? or is the problem pain just on the rear outside the tank?

I actually put the ank in the bath stood on a full newspaper so as not to scratch the enamel, stand it on an end and spray it with warm water, use a cheap metal scouring pad and spray at the same time and it just slops off once it gets warm and scratched. You get a few hard bits but it always workd and you only need to do it once. Then dry, leave a while, wipe with turps or similar (just the back) leave to evoporate and paint black!

BUT if the paint is inside your stuffed! :crazy: ... naa, just do the same thing but be paint the outside not the inside. I presume the blue is outside as usual though.

Oh and it the tanks too big or anything i do them outside on the grass with a hosepipe!

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