Painted Parrot Fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 28, 2006
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are they any good??? will they grow big n live long or are they little for evver
If you mean the ones that have all different colours on them they are dyed fish, the process means that they are injected with dye. It’s considered very cruel by many people including me. Many fish shops wont stock them because of the cruelty involved. I expect the process must make them weak and less healthy in the long run; I have read that many of them die due to the process of dying. I have never kept them so I can’t confirm this. Personally I would say they are ‘no good’, they look grotesque to my eye, unnatural and a picture of cruelty. There are lots of beautiful ciclhid fish that will be a lot healthier, look a lot better and probably live a lot longer.
Buying these fish only encourages this practice. Many (including me) disagree with the the practice df keeping hybrids like this in the first place. Liam said it very well: "There are lots of beautiful ciclhid fish that will be a lot healthier, look a lot better and probably live a lot longer."
Due to them being dyed they will have a much shorter lifespan. They will grow however. And dyed fish are bad news.
parrots aren't really a good hybrid in my eyes. My view on hybridization is does the mutations caused hinder the fish in any way. If you like the body style and personality of blood parrots you could go for jellybean parrots. They are a cross between blood parrots and pink convicts. Kinda odd that a triple hybrid would be more viable but it is. They were bred specifically to be dyed because the blood parrots were to fragile to survive the process. But if you can find an undyed one you'll be very pleased with the natural coloration especially if you get a female. If you like I can post some pictures for you.

warning some dyed blood parrots are incorrectly called jellybean parrots
the mortality rate of dyed fish is 80 %

that means

out of 100 fish

20 fish dont make it to the store

and the rest live a very hard and short life.....
I agree with what's been said... and I would suggest you go for undyed parrots which, though large-growing, can still be very brightly colored.

Just wanted to say that, actualy, it's not suprising that jellybeans are hardier than blood parrots. Hybridisation, in effect, enlarges the gene pool and makes harmful homozygous recessives rarer - the more you hybridise, in theory, the hardier the fish actualy gets. Having said that, this requires that the hybrids are not afterwards inbred and that, to begin with, the cross is a viable one that produces healthy offspring. Some hybrids simply are not viable because the parent species are incompatible (geneticaly). One example of this is probably guppy X molly hybrids which display extremely high mortality.
I have undyed jellybean parrots and they are great fish!! very hardy and inqusitive (spelling??). If you live in scotland you are welcome to some of mine if you are interested. PM me
Jellybean parrots are not actually hybrids but short body balloon pink convicts.
I must disagree with you ~T~, or at the least I need to ask for some sources. jellybean parrots are blood parrot X pink convict crosses. Check out death by dyeing. They sell them supposedly. I've contacted them about getting some fry but I haven't heard anything from them. Anyways they say that they are parrot convict crosses and I've seen it several other places as well.
I must disagree with you ~T~, or at the least I need to ask for some sources. jellybean parrots are blood parrot X pink convict crosses. Check out death by dyeing. They sell them supposedly. I've contacted them about getting some fry but I haven't heard anything from them. Anyways they say that they are parrot convict crosses and I've seen it several other places as well.

I speak from personal experiance, I have bred a JB to a BP and one of my forum members has bred a striped con to a BP and the resulting fry were in interesting mix but no JB's.They guy on the death by dying site probably just bought a pair of JB's from the lfs and sells the fry.I remember him contacting me a while back through my forum asking for advice on them.To be honest I think his fish were actually normal pink cons as he showed me a pic of them(it was a bad pic though so hard to tell).Anyway I have never seen anyone who bred a pink con to a BP and have the resulting fry look like the JB's we see for sale in the lfs....have you?

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