

New Member
Jan 30, 2009
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I have a 55gallon tank and after asking the fishshop what he recommends he sold me 3 red belly pacus they have trebled in size and after reading this forum im horrified.Do they actually smash the glass that would flood my house
My fish shop tried doing this to my what they do is recommend fish they dont sell that often so they can get rid of them you should just research what fish you like/want then write them down on some paper BTW i dunno if pacu smash through glass lol
I wouldn't put it past a large pacu to break out of a small tank, fish like these are called 'tankbusters' though that might be due more to their size rather than the actual breaking of a tank. Hopefully you will have rehomed them before they get that big though.
when i first started off, my lfs sold me 2 pacus, they made a big thing about them being a type of pirhana. unfortunately, nowadays, if i hear of anyone with a pacu, my advise, is to get rid asap.

i took 2 at the size of a 50pence, soon they got to 1.5ft in size, i thought im going to get quite a bit for them when i trade in, however every shop i phoned, gave me a right telling off!! - i found one shop that took them for £10.

they told me, they had a 3ft one in a tank, one morning when the lights came on, it freaked out and smashed the tank and died - pacus, should not be sold full stop - get rid my friend, its heart breaking when they are big and you let the go, my financee cried her heart out, do it asap and save yourself and lot of trouble, and heart ache!
Lol check the size of these things LINK

This fish is really only suitable for public aquaria, many of which are already well stocked with pacu which have outgrown their homes, and may be reluctant to accept more. It is therefore not a good idea to purchase this fish unless you can provide a 1000 gallons (4500 L) plus aquarium for the adult(s).
To also emphasise their potential:
i think i can fairly say: get rid asap!!!!!!!!

if you dont, you will be in touble due to their size - i hope you make the right choice

pacus, simply, should not be sold for public full stop.
these fish should just be left in the wild they grow far far too big for aquariums dont see people buying baby great whites for their marine tanks its practically the same. lovely fish though :)
these fish should just be left in the wild they grow far far too big for aquariums dont see people buying baby great whites for their marine tanks its practically the same. lovely fish though :)

Lol thats a good way to put it
lol, yup that pretty much says it all foley - nicely put my friend!
its understandable theres this shop near my college with a 1000litre tank and i swear down they have: 1 pacu, 1 channel cat, 4-5 oscars, 2 full grown, clown knife fish, striped lepronus or whatever a tinfoil barb and a silver dollar in the tank and its over crowded and the tank water is cloudy green o yea and they have 3 or 4 large plecs in thats awful... anyway back to pacu its just cruel no tank is big enough to suit one IMO
wow thats sad - i have a near 1000ltr tank myself, vid below

i have 4 silver dollars - love them, no clown knife however did have one

however i do look after mine - i filter over 7000ltrs/hour, have an hiblow 65 pushing over 4000ltrs/hour
and feed well, uv etc

but i would not take on pacus - have even been offered them by lfs for free, but have declined!
Thanks for the reply guys,and my bad for not researching ;(
I just thought asking the shop guy he would know best.
Im going to call him tomorrow and tell them to take them back/

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