Package Deal Nano


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I would just like to know your opinions on a 17 gallon package nano deal from Shirley aquatics.

The tank is a cube and has a filter built in at the back.

It comes with:

Lighting (I don't know what type but lets assume its not good enough :lol: )
4kg LR
Lr support feet (is it beneficial to have the LR lifted off the sand?)
Live sand
RO water

Just a question: what else would you recommend, apart from a Ro unit.
Could I get cheaper: the package deal costs £200 :hey:
Tank + In built T5 lighting (suitable for soft polyps and mushrooms) - £90
4KG LR - £45
Support Feet - Free! (Egg crate or similar)
Live Sand - £12-20
RO Water (why bother, get an RO Unit!)

So this comes to about £155 not including the RO unit...

so yes, you probably could do it cheaper, but research carefully and have a good shop around before you go for one of shirley's deals, they tend to be quite expensive from what i have read/heard.

I have seen 2 different tanks priced between £80 and £90 that come with compact T5 lighting, the one i used is the Superfish Aqua-65.

There is also a 15G by Via-Aqua that goes for around £100 with good lighting.

Have a browse on the net and look at other peoples setups. You need to decide what you want in terms of lighting requirements for corals etc.

yeah. I'm just wondering, I could buy the tank seperate (£70) and the T5's after. I really don't want to go below this size at all as it is already pretty small lol. Sorry to bother you but do you know of any other good aquariums.
There are millions of aquariums out there. You are basically looking for something that you could either fit a hang-on skimmer onto, or has its own multiple stage filter included. You also want a bare minimum of a dual compact T5 lighting, ideally something along the lines of 2x18W tubes.

You realise you have to do some research yourself. You can't rely on the good people of TFF to bring the answers to you on a plate. Go find some of your best local fish shops and see what deals you can get them to put together. Most shops will do a package discount on a tank + accessories, usually 10% of anything bought with the tank and you may be able to talk them down on the tank or the stand aswell.

Your local fish shops are listed here..

and here..

Alot of us aren't going to be much help as we're in the US and we won't be able to give you info on pricing and in some cases equipment in general when it isn't supplied to both.
well anyway, do you guys think this HOB filter would be alright in an 18 inch cube or is it too small. Because its either the cube and this or I'll find more deals.`:D

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