Just an update, I changed the medicine I was using the help my Semi-Snowflake Clown. I opted to place in back in the display tank and treat that water opposed to using a Q/T. Despite looking like hell she was picking at our torch coral as if she wanted to be in it so we took it back to the LFS as I didn't want the nice torch to be killed. After some debate between using another coral to try to use as a host or get an anemone we finally decided to trade it for a Sebae Anemone.
Before I could even place the anemone in a spot we thought it might like she was in it. She absolutely loves it. Remember this was when she looked like hell. The next morning which was Monday morning she looked 95% healed from the parasite! I can't believe how well placing her back in the display tank, giving her that new med, and getting her an anemone turned her around. I am beyond happy! Picture and maybe a video of her playing in the anemone coming soon!