Pabucsfan Journal (1St Ever)


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2010
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Bloomsburg, Pa
Well it is finally all coming together! I am setting up a 20 gallon long tank with 10 gallon sump. I have the 20 gallon long and 10 gallon tank cleaned up and bagged up in my garage. I have the tubing, the sump pump, the bulkhead, and the sand. The light, versa top, and heater are ordered for Friday. I will also be purchasing the remaining LR on Friday. I just got done staining the stand. I will be applying the final coat tomorrow and heavily aerating before Friday. Pictures will definitely be posted as the process progresses!
Just a mini-update. I will have everything tomorrow except for the full amount of LR, which I will be obtaining next week! Pictures should showing up around 7pm Eastern time!
I know I have slacked on the journal but I will be updating it over the weekend. I got a new phone so half of the pictures are on the old phone and the other half are on the new phone.
Well the tank has been up and running for about a week now. I am posting pictures tomorrow starting from the test run of the sump all the way up to the current setup. I currently have 2 clownfish, 6 corals, one emerald crab, a few snails. For those of you who are reading and didn't know I had a 10 gallon going for 2 months prior to the upgrade. The tank is in a mini cycle but coming along nicely.
Just an update, 3 pictures.

This picture is the tank running for about 4 days with LR only from the original 10 gallon.

This picture is with the new LR added about two days ago.

This last picture is a full tank shot from Saturday Night although I lost one of those clowns and added a Black Ocellaris to replace him.

One last picture of the clowns that I have currently. The Black Ocellaris was purchases today at That Fish Place in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This LFS is about 2 hours from my home and well worth the drive! The other clown is from an LFS much closer to home.

I dont know if it is true but I read that you shouldnt mix different clown species. As I say im not sure of the authenticity of that so maybe another forum member could help.

Other than that, the tank is looking good. How much flow have yo.u got? I cant see any powerheads. Whats your stocking plans?

I am currently trying to find out if I do have a mixed clown species or not actually. Nemo on here believe the orange one is also an Ocellaris. If this is the case the LFS I got it from will not get any more business from me since he claimed he only carries Percula. But aside from that I am looking into getting a powerhead this weekend at my other LFS, last weekend they sold out of powerhead that would work for my tank. My girlfriend and I would like to get a golden sleeper, possible a psuedochromis, and after that we are unsure as we are quite new to the salty side. My girlfriend and I are also looking into getting into growing and fragging corals. I'm not sure how realistic our goal is but there is a frag swap at the end of January and we are hoping to take some down for it. The Wavepoint light is actually getting replaced tomorrow as it was only a temporary light until the dealer the LFS uses could get in light I wanted.
These pictures are about a week old but I have been a little busy.

Here is a nice Asternia

Here is my Galaxea Coral

Here is my Torch Coral

Here is my Porsilla(spelling) Coral

More Coral Pictures

Here is 1 of my 2 older Zoas, the second one I couldn't get a good picture.

Here is my Leather Toadstool

I did get 4 more corals on Black Friday but I will give them time to adjust before I take some pictures of them. I got two tone zoas, star polyps, a blasto, and green zoas. Here are some pictures of my clowns.

The Black Ocellaris! (unfortunately he died on Thanksgiving from what I believe was brooklynella)

Here are 2 pictures of my Semi-Snowflake which member Clownfishy and I purchased before the brooklynella was discovered on the black ocellaris. The Semi-Snowflake Ocellaris is in a hospital take to ensure he/she is not sick.

Picture #2

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Them corals look nice and so does the fish. Sorry to hear about your clown. It is trial and error. Do not let it discourage you.
Sorry to hear about your clown, but you made the right choice in putting the picasso clown in qt :good:

Seffie x
Yeah. I want to starve any nasty diseases in the display tank. Hopefully she/he stays healthy and I hope my corals open up today to get pictures of them up.
I;ve had same problems with clowns just can;t keep them for whatever reason

has your tank really only been running over a week and you have all that stock already? Did you move the water on from another tank or something as that seems a little quick to be getting all that stock

If I;m wrong I apologise but just don;t want you to make a mistake I did which was rush into stocking

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