55 gallon, freshwater, heavily planted, 2 months old, eco gravel, eheim 2217 with j hook for little surface agitation, pressurized CO2,
no2 0
no3 0
kh 7
ph in morning is 7.6
ph by night is 6.8
ei fert 3x / week
ammonia 0
hard 120 ppm
I just had 2 new rose line barbs die in 3 days....trying to figure out the cause and think it might be low oxygen levels in the daytime. Is there any way to measure the oxygen level in the tank at a given time??? My plants are doing well, and do pearl but not until about 3 hours into the morning and not going crazy pearling. Can see oxygen bubbles under my Java Ferns, and amazon swords to release bubbles, and other plants but not nearly like an air pump would. I just don't know if it's enough oxygen in the water....have 6 neons, 6 pencil fish, 3 ottos, 2 flying foxes, 7 shrimp, 2 cherry barbs, 1 rainbow. and 3 marble hatchets, all doing pretty ok. Monitoring Co2 levels every day but not sure about the oxygen, and I'm thinking that's what led to my new rose lines dying so quickly. I even run a small airstone at night but need a way to measure oxygen levels in the daytime. I know I can "add" more oxygen by attaching my eheim spray bar, but I thought with a planted tank little water agitation was more beneficial for the plants. How do you get that "balance" right??? Help.....still reeling from losing my roselines.....
signed oxygen depleted.
no2 0
no3 0
kh 7
ph in morning is 7.6
ph by night is 6.8
ei fert 3x / week
ammonia 0
hard 120 ppm
I just had 2 new rose line barbs die in 3 days....trying to figure out the cause and think it might be low oxygen levels in the daytime. Is there any way to measure the oxygen level in the tank at a given time??? My plants are doing well, and do pearl but not until about 3 hours into the morning and not going crazy pearling. Can see oxygen bubbles under my Java Ferns, and amazon swords to release bubbles, and other plants but not nearly like an air pump would. I just don't know if it's enough oxygen in the water....have 6 neons, 6 pencil fish, 3 ottos, 2 flying foxes, 7 shrimp, 2 cherry barbs, 1 rainbow. and 3 marble hatchets, all doing pretty ok. Monitoring Co2 levels every day but not sure about the oxygen, and I'm thinking that's what led to my new rose lines dying so quickly. I even run a small airstone at night but need a way to measure oxygen levels in the daytime. I know I can "add" more oxygen by attaching my eheim spray bar, but I thought with a planted tank little water agitation was more beneficial for the plants. How do you get that "balance" right??? Help.....still reeling from losing my roselines.....
signed oxygen depleted.