I think the main things to take into consideration when stocking a tank to prevent it from being overstocked/having issues are;
a. How big the fish grows and what is its current size.
b. Is it a big waste producing one or small one.
c. Is the fish very hyper active or hardly active.
d. What are the dimensions of the tank.
e. Is the fish agressive or peaceful.
f. What are the chances of the fish breeding.
g. How much decor does the tank have and what sort of decor i.e rocks/wood/plants etc.
h. How long has the tank been set up and does it have any issues.
i. How powerful is the filter.
j. How often do you do tank maintance i.e water changes and substrate cleaning sessions.
k. Is the tank marine, brackish or freshwater and is it tropical or coldwater?
l. What is the fish's compatability like with its tank mates and vice versa.
m. What is the fish's dietry requirements at a minimum?
n. How often do you feed the fish.
o. What temp is the tank set at and how much does the temp fluctuate during night and day(if at all).
etc, etc, etc...I think theres alot more to overstocking a tank than simply putting in more inches fish than it can handle, theres a certain amount of common sense involved of course when it comes to stocking, but that doesn't nesarsarily mean its easy to properly stock a tank and actually do it right