

Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
colchester, UK
Hi some people commented that, after looking at my profile my tank was overstocked. Admittedly there was another tetra and another honey gourami last week (they died this weekend - whitespot) but i didn't think that was too many? They don't even seem to use the whole tank and i worked out there is about 13 inches of fish at the mo, an online calculator told me i have about 288 square inches of water. How much room do i need per inch of fish and do some need more room than others?
The general rule is 1" of fish per US gallon of water, but thats a beginners guidline in a well (I stress well) established tank it may be possible to over stock. It also depends on how much waste is produced, a 1" oscar will produce more waste than a 1" tetra, so more tetras could be added than oscars for example. As well certain fish are terratorial and need more than this rules allows, ie cichlids and some loaches. But in my opinion, it depends on how old your tank is, it sounds like it should be fine, it's not over stocked, just remember the size that certain things will get, and don't go more than 15" of fish until the tank is well established.
It's been up and running for about 3 and a half months, how long should it be to be considered established? Also are clown loaches territorial and how large do they grow?
by the way clown loaches grow up to 12inches and need a tank of at least 75 gallons!! so i dont think u can get some
Considering all your fish bar one are medium to top level fish you could easily add a bottom or bottom/mid level fish. Eg 3 smaller cories, 1-3 dwarf cichlids, 3 khuli loaches. Then once your tank is fully settled (whitespot outbreaks/sickness) plus coping with the load from the new fish, then I'd add another 3neons to form a nice little schoal. Given good filtration, a little (or lot) live plants and weekly 25-30% water changes you would be right on the edge of overstocked but have a happy tank (I think)


Edit in

I should of said 1-3 dwarf cichlids depends on type
apistogrammas in general 1m/2f (or just 1)
rams 1m/1f (or just 1)
kribensis 1m/1f (or just 1)
That's crap, all the fish i like the look of either grow to a monstrous size, eat all the types of fish that i've got or can only be kept on their own :(
Is there anything that's bright and looks nice that i can finish my tank off with?
Do you have any pics of the above fish that you mentioned? Or more specific species, cichlids are a huge group of fish arn't they?
go up to the species section

cory's check the cat fish section
dwarfs apistogrammas - apistogrammas & cockatoo under new world cichlid
Rams blue ram (very pretty) bolivian ram - new world cichlid
african cichlid - kribensis

khuli loach, the Cyprinids section, but its spelt coolie loach

All of the fish you mentioned apart from the coolie loach recommend a larger tank than i have and i've looked at getting a coolie loach before but if they only come out at night i won't ever see it will i? Also at my lfs they said the cichlids were too terratorial for a community tank?
You should certainly get some more neons - 3 is not enough I'm afraid. You should have at least 6 but 8 would be even better.
Not all Cichlids are out of the question - what about some Dutch or Gold Rams - they are lovely and colourful.
Yep, your Kuhli loach you wont see much of I'm afraid.
i would get a pair of blue (or gold) rams...extremly colorful, great personality, and will fit in fine in the community tank!
I have 2 apistgramma resticuli(sp?) in a 38L tank happily enough (with 6 neons, 1 wild type betta and a small bristlenose) 20gallon (75L) is the reccomended for 2 dwarf cichlids they should be OK in a slightly smaller tank, especially if they are blue or gold rams.

As for khuli loaches and nocturnalness if you have 3 or 4 they can become very active at all hours. More khulis=more secure=more active. There are 3 in my sons 75L. Of these at least one can been seen at any one time, more often 2.


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