Sorry to say my guy, but I have to agree. These fish are usually too big and too active for a 10g. But fear not! A 10g is a good sized starter tank, and it can hold a lot. A Betta, certain small tetras and rasboras like Hyphessobrycon Elachys, Hyphessobrycon Amandae, Celestichthys Margaritatus and Boraras Brigittae would be suitable, just to name a few. There is also the option of a Dwarf Puffer (just one), or something a bit more uncommon like Scarlet Badis or an Elassoma sp. Endler's livebearers or guppies could also be an option if you have hard water, but make sure you only get males! Otherwise you'll have hundreds of them! Or you could keep shrimp if you like them!
I would:
1) Take the fish you have back if you can.
2) Buy some Boraras Brigittae, maybe 8-10 in a tank that size, and then keep them with Cherry Shrimp. Go full red mode.