

Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Harlow, Essex
I didnt actually realise untill I wrote down how many fish I had in my setup and now im thinking I could be overstocked im not to sure.

Its a 50g reef with 30kgs of live rock and also some media in an external.

The stocking is:

4x yellow tail damsel
1x yellow watchman goby
2x percular clowns
1x Royal Gramma
1x Scooter blenny
1x Bangaii Cardinal
1x chalk bass
1x purple fire fish
1x Social fairy wrasse.

Ill be upgrading the tank anyways soon just was wondering how far if at all I was overstocked???
that's some hefty stocking for a 50g reef. if you can keep nitrates/phosphates under control though, why not?
If its only a FOWLR tank then you should be absolutely fine with regard to the nitrates/phosphates. You could, if you so wished, add some macro algaes like chaetomorpha, if you haven't already done so. This will help absorb nitrates and phosphates and also provide shelter for amphipods and cocepods etc.

I've got 3 shrimp, a starfish and a pencil urchin and my nitrates were around 20-30 ppm a few months back and they are all doing fine. With the addition of my sump and the macro algaes, my nitrates are now at zero. I still got no sodding coralline on my rocks though :(. I might just get some waterproof pink and purple paint, spray my rocks and be done with it :p
That is pretty good going if your nitrAtes a=have never been over 15

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