
If you dont want fish anymore,
Simply take them back to the fish shop you got them from, and they will happily exhchange them or give you store credit.

but if you got them from a chain pet store I would advise you not to do so because almost every chain store will flush the fish once you leave.
Because I bought a cory at a chain pet store and had to return it and he said :I don't like how its not active enough" and he just sat the bag on the counter and once I left I just knew he was flushing it by the tone of his voice.
Because I bought a cory at a chain pet store and had to return it and he said :I don't like how its not active enough" and he just sat the bag on the counter and once I left I just knew he was flushing it by the tone of his voice.

Well, I certainly won't argue with that logic. "Almost every chain pet store" is most definitely flushing returned fish.

Just wondering, does that just apply to Kentucky or should we be concerned in Canada and the rest of the world too?
If you dont want fish anymore,
Simply take them back to the fish shop you got them from, and they will happily exhchange them or give you store credit.


Not one LFS will accept fish returns anymore. This is due to disease, if fact, they wont even take them for free..
If you dont want fish anymore,
Simply take them back to the fish shop you got them from, and they will happily exhchange them or give you store credit.


Not one LFS will accept fish returns anymore. This is due to disease, if fact, they wont even take them for free..

Do you mean where you live? cuz mine does, they quarantine them first, and let them in later. The chain stores like petco i dont know, but my LFS does. I had to return my adorably stupid swordtail :( and I got to see what they do (im a frequenter and im interested in running a LFS in teh future ... so i asked if i could see what tehy do.. .they have spiffy quarantine tanks set up in the back!)
Not even one!
Thanks for saving all of us the time and effort of looking for one that does then.

So, let me get this straight. In Kentucky, almost all of them flush returned fish. And in the UK, not one will take returned fish at all?

Gee, here in Canada we have a real mix. Some take them back, some don't. Some occasionally flush them, some don't. Amazing what one can learn here.

Now in my area non chain pet stores like this store called pets galore they take fish back but they couldn't take this one back because they said they were getting shipments from florida (they said this while all those hurricanes were going on) but they said they all ways take a fish that someone that doesn't want it just not when they were busy with a new shipment.

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