Overstocked Tank?


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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I’m really in a panic. I went recently to my local aquarium shop (a Maidenhead Aquatics) as they agreed to take in my pleccy that I bought a couple of years ago from Pets at Home, who typically never advised me as a new owner that they would grow so much. They seemed to know what they were talking about and sold me more fish to join the 2 guppies that I had in the tank (which is 30 litres) along with the pleccy. I got 3 clown loaches (purchased at the advice of the aquarium shop to get rid of some snails that turned up on a plant), 4 female guppies, 2 male guppies and 3 little plecs (bull something?- ones that won't grow, anyway) to replace the big one. I was told that was fine, but having looked on here, it sounds like my tank is now hideously overstocked. And not surprisingly, the fish are dying. The water levels seem fine – the readings I got a few minutes ago are:

NO2 – 0.1 mg/L
pH – 7.5-8
NH3 – 0-0.6 mg/L
NO3 – 10-20 mg/L

I can’t see ANY visible signs of illness on them, but as I mentioned they’ve started to die. A clown loach died a couple of days ago and I thought it was an anomaly. Then a male guppy died the next day. Just now I’ve fished out another clown loach and a female guppy. To make it worse, I think a couple of the female guppies are pregnant.

I'm so fed up of bad advice from aquarium 'specialists'. Any ideas as to what I should do??? I’m a bit desperate… The last thing in the world I want is for my fish to be suffering.


I’m really in a panic. I went recently to my local aquarium shop (a Maidenhead Aquatics) as they agreed to take in my pleccy that I bought a couple of years ago from Pets at Home, who typically never advised me as a new owner that they would grow so much. They seemed to know what they were talking about and sold me more fish to join the 2 guppies that I had in the tank (which is 30 litres) along with the pleccy. I got 3 clown loaches (purchased at the advice of the aquarium shop to get rid of some snails that turned up on a plant), 4 female guppies, 2 male guppies and 3 little plecs (bull something?- ones that won't grow, anyway) to replace the big one. I was told that was fine, but having looked on here, it sounds like my tank is now hideously overstocked. And not surprisingly, the fish are dying. The water levels seem fine – the readings I got a few minutes ago are:

NO2 – 0.1 mg/L
pH – 7.5-8
NH3 – 0-0.6 mg/L
NO3 – 10-20 mg/L

I can’t see ANY visible signs of illness on them, but as I mentioned they’ve started to die. A clown loach died a couple of days ago and I thought it was an anomaly. Then a male guppy died the next day. Just now I’ve fished out another clown loach and a female guppy. To make it worse, I think a couple of the female guppies are pregnant.

I'm so fed up of bad advice from aquarium 'specialists'. Any ideas as to what I should do??? I’m a bit desperate… The last thing in the world I want is for my fish to be suffering.


hello again lol try doing the 50% water change it mite help :)

I’m really in a panic. I went recently to my local aquarium shop (a Maidenhead Aquatics) as they agreed to take in my pleccy that I bought a couple of years ago from Pets at Home, who typically never advised me as a new owner that they would grow so much. They seemed to know what they were talking about and sold me more fish to join the 2 guppies that I had in the tank (which is 30 litres) along with the pleccy. I got 3 clown loaches (purchased at the advice of the aquarium shop to get rid of some snails that turned up on a plant), 4 female guppies, 2 male guppies and 3 little plecs (bull something?- ones that won't grow, anyway) to replace the big one. I was told that was fine, but having looked on here, it sounds like my tank is now hideously overstocked. And not surprisingly, the fish are dying. The water levels seem fine – the readings I got a few minutes ago are:

NO2 – 0.1 mg/L
pH – 7.5-8
NH3 – 0-0.6 mg/L
NO3 – 10-20 mg/L

I can’t see ANY visible signs of illness on them, but as I mentioned they’ve started to die. A clown loach died a couple of days ago and I thought it was an anomaly. Then a male guppy died the next day. Just now I’ve fished out another clown loach and a female guppy. To make it worse, I think a couple of the female guppies are pregnant.

I'm so fed up of bad advice from aquarium 'specialists'. Any ideas as to what I should do??? I’m a bit desperate… The last thing in the world I want is for my fish to be suffering.


I would get rid of the last loach as they get way to big for your tank, i would also get rid of the plecs as alot of them do get big,


i looked over this list and didnt see a bull anything type of plec and these are alot of your smaller plecs. im sure there is more but i dont know alot about them. Also i know that plecs are messy eaters and create alot of waste. I would suggest getting rid of those and doing daily large water changes til the everything calms down. Good Luck.
Hi both,

Thanks, I'll try the water change.

Regarding the plecs, thanks for the list - it's the pitbull plecs that I've got (sorry, couldn't quite remember the name). I'll return them and the clown loach tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed.

Even if it is pitbull plec i wouldnt have 3 in such a small tank. With the being such messy eaters i would stick to 1 and the guppies. I would go back to the lfs and tell them about the bad information they gave you and see if they will give you your money back on ones that have passed and exchange 2 of the plecs. Just what i would do.
Even if it is pitbull plec i wouldnt have 3 in such a small tank. With the being such messy eaters i would stick to 1 and the guppies. I would go back to the lfs and tell them about the bad information they gave you and see if they will give you your money back on ones that have passed and exchange 2 of the plecs. Just what i would do.

I read on here in another thread that guppies, as schooling fish, shouldn't be in a tank as small as 30 litres, that they need at least ten gallons. Do you think if I took all of them back except for one pitbull plec and got a betta instead, that would be ok? Would a betta attack a little plec?

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