Overstocked Oddballs

The first thing I noticed really was how healthy the fish looked. No way they would have grown to that size and health without conditions that weren't at least good. I did notice the tiger flicking an awful lot though, but even if that is itch haven't we all had that even in tanks that are understocked? It isn't an instant ig of poor surroundings
The thing must be filtered EXTREMELY well for those fish to look like that and grow that big. That Aro is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I do agree that it is a bit crowded though.
the tank size is 6x2.5x2.5ft with 4foot sump. says on the 4th post on youtube
the tank size is 6x2.5x2.5ft with 4foot sump. says on the 4th post on youtube

And it also states somewhere he's from Singapore - which explains it all really.
Whether you agree or not, people from Singapore have a different attitude to stocking aquaria than we do in the West
all those fish would be perfect for my 300 if only i were loaded :rolleyes:
but id only want the tig he can keep the other 2 catfish
The water may be clean, but the fish dont look very happy. Every time they move they touch another fish. :/

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