I like a lot of ordinary rasboras, Harleys, espei, red tailed boraras, some of the dwarfs, & now "blue line" (R. sarawakensis) I have now thanks to Cass & her pics.
Classic CA cichlids will always be dear to me but there are many more species in each genus now. Blue acaras, firemouths come to mind, African kribensis too.
Several old tetra species are great but in iffy health with big farming. Cardinals, neons, rummy noses, black neons...but not serpae, I'll never like high body red similar species even though I "know" they're not all obnoxious fin nippers, but it's hard to get over bad experiences sometimes.
I'm a loach nut & will always love little sidthimunkis. I know they're hormone bred now but we had 2 before they were red listed. It was long time before we saw them again. I literally ran across a LFS when I thought I saw them from 30+ feet away. No, they were the similar nigrolineata. But I asked & they did sometimes get sids!! Pangio "kuhlis" of several species are also wonderful; I'm partial to striped. I had semicincta, they were great!