Overload Reptiles saying what’s up.

Ah, thanks! I didn't realise it was another ball python, I always think of them as so thick and chunky, but not used to seeing just the head reaching out like that either.

Are GTP's hard to breed?

Never kept snakes myself, but I have a weird fascination with watching snake egg cutting videos! I love the youtube channel Snake Discovery, especially in laying and hatching seasons! Have watched Brian Barczyk's ball python egg cutting vids of course, but I get totally lost when he starts talking about the genetics and morphs! I'm pretty good with genetics usually, but snake morph genes have me utterly lost, lol. So have fun with that when breeding ball pythons... ;)

If you can get some clear photos of the angel fish, there's a good chance someone here will be able to sex them - and some pics of the fungus might help identify the issue and solution. Are there any other fish in the tank with them? Because doing a salt treatment on the tank itself might help, but while the angels would be fine, some species are sensitive to salt. They're a gorgeous fish, really would love a pair like that myself. Bear in mind that angels like to choose their own mate, so even if they're male and female, it doesn't mean they'd successfully pair up. Better to get a group of 6-8 young ones then see if any pair up if you'd like to breed them.
@itiwhetu , what do you think of the angel fish in that link? Didn't you have a black angel?
GTPs are a little more hard to breed. They’re more delicate when it comes to their eggs and you need to wait longer for them to mature.

Hell yeah snake egg cutting videos are awesome. Those two channels are really good ones. Especially snake discovery. She’s got a good personality that works with literally anyone. Hopefully my eggs come out soon. The female who I’m breeding is huuuuge.

Yeah I did the salt bath today and I dosed the entire tank with Pimafix and super ick removed. I still see a small white thing on the angelfish fin so that’s why I went with a salt dip. Hopefully that works and I’ll definitely try to get some pictures. I hope they pair. I really want to get some Black Lace ones! A pair cost like 300 dollars for matured ones! That’s definitely an investment for the future! There’s a huge black angelfish at my local fish shop. I’ll definitely take a picture of it next time i go.
Again, another reason the US is looking into this new legislation, just read what you are saying it is all about the money. This is what this group hates, it should be all about the animal!!
Again, another reason the US is looking into this new legislation, just read what you are saying it is all about the money. This is what this group hates, it should be all about the animal!!

Where did he say it's all about the money, exactly? If it was all about the money, then mollies would be a strange choice, given how cheap they are to buy. Plenty of us breed our fish and sell the offspring. Are you accusing us of being all about the money too?

What a nasty accusation to make out of the blue. Especially for someone who claims he used to be in the trade and sold thousands of fish...

@Overload Reptiles - ignore itiwhetu. He doesn't speak for the forum no matter what he claims, and he does this sometimes. He's picked fights with pretty much everyone at some point.
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GTPs are a little more hard to breed. They’re more delicate when it comes to their eggs and you need to wait longer for them to mature.

Hell yeah snake egg cutting videos are awesome. Those two channels are really good ones. Especially snake discovery. She’s got a good personality that works with literally anyone. Hopefully my eggs come out soon. The female who I’m breeding is huuuuge.

Yeah I did the salt bath today and I dosed the entire tank with Pimafix and super ick removed. I still see a small white thing on the angelfish fin so that’s why I went with a salt dip. Hopefully that works and I’ll definitely try to get some pictures. I hope they pair. I really want to get some Black Lace ones! A pair cost like 300 dollars for matured ones! That’s definitely an investment for the future! There’s a huge black angelfish at my local fish shop. I’ll definitely take a picture of it next time i go.

Fingers crossed for your GTP eggs! Please update with photos if the time comes, I'd personally love to see it! :D

Will keep fingers crossed too that the salt baths etc work for the angel. Keeping the tank water extra clean with frequent water changes and low nitrates will give him/her the best chance of fighting off whatever it is. If it seems to get worse, or treatment doesn't work, offer still stands that posting photos or video here might mean someone can figure out what it is.

I haven't kept any angels yet myself, although I want to at some point. The black ones really catch my eye the most though, they're so striking when they're gliding about, so elegant. Love the ones you got, hopefully they'll successfully pair up! I keep cories and nano fish at the moment though, plus shrimp... wouldn't really work with angels! But there's always another day and another tank. ;):lol:

Snake Discovery is definitely my favourite! If I ever get a snake(s) it would likely have to be a small group of garter snakes kept together. I love her communal garter tanks! Especially when one of them gives birth and she has to tear the tank apart hunting for all the babies, lol. We don't have wild garters here in the UK of course, so they're not a common everyday snake to me, but the fact that they're social with other garters appeals to me. Not sure why I've never had a snake. Nothing against them and I'm not scared of them or anything, mainly just a preference for mammals and always had tons of pets already.

I'm aware of potential ethical concerns around Brian too, but not being in the snake hobby myself, I'm not aware enough of the issues to be fully informed myself. I dislike the breeding of the spider morph though, and can only really watch the odd video of his. His over the top cheeriness seems fake and forced at times. Oh, I like NERD videos too. Was genuinely gutted for Kevin at the loss of Lilith recently. She was a beautiful snake.
I will definitely post some pictures. They’re gonna be ball Python eggs not GTP. Garter snake is a good starter snake. So are corn snakes. You should definitely think about getting one. NERD is amazing. He’s basically a vet at this point in his career. You should watch Balls2U he’s from the UK and has a great collection.

Yes I love angelfish too. The bigger the better!
I will definitely post some pictures. They’re gonna be ball Python eggs not GTP. Garter snake is a good starter snake. So are corn snakes. You should definitely think about getting one. NERD is amazing. He’s basically a vet at this point in his career. You should watch Balls2U he’s from the UK and has a great collection.

Yes I love angelfish too. The bigger the better!
I would love to get a snake but my mom would never let me. :-(
I would love to get a snake but my mom would never let me. :-(
Maybe once you move out and have your own place :) They can't stop you then! Plenty of time yet to own one, you're young.

Hey, some parents are squeamish about having rats in their freezer next to the fishfingers. Can't say I blame them there! I'd have to have a separate mini or chest freezer I think... :lol:
Tell him how nutritious they are! Fish love their daphnia, he might like them too!

Can't say I've ever been tempted to try their frozen fish food though...
Haven't tried fish food yet myself.... But I've tried dog biscuits... Very dry I can tell you...

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