Overfed Or Pregnant Guppy


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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Is it just over fed or pregnant?


the one on the right

The guppy likes to stay near the surface of the water occasionally. Is this natural, all parameters are 0 i.e Ammon, nitires & Nitrate 10.

If pregnant how long before she drops! ?

if fat, overfeeding, I assume stop giving them food lol
Not overfed, being a long time breeder of guppies, i would say within the next week. keep a eye on her for dwelling on the bottom or near heater or plants, this is usually a good sign for when they are going to drop.

If ou wish to put her in a trap sooner, only put her in for 2 days max, to long will stress her to much.

I had a guppy earlier drop its fry and she was dwelling near plants when i put her in trap, she was a lot bigger than yours but she had 80+ and has had many fry before - at least 8 times..
Yeh she looks pregnant to me. Guppies normally swim from middle to top of an aquarium. Good water quality btw :good:
Just a baby that one should see the size of some of the girls i got here they are huge
Just to add to my previous post, a lot of the time when mine are ready to drop, they tend to hang around the top of my internal filter for some reason.

So if you have a internal filter, maybe watch out for that as well, just a thought ;)
Just to add to my previous post, a lot of the time when mine are ready to drop, they tend to hang around the top of my internal filter for some reason.

So if you have a internal filter, maybe watch out for that as well, just a thought ;)
well where she was in the 1st pic is next to the iternal filter.

then again I have a 35 litre tank.... so anywhere in the tank is next to the filter! lol :shout:

I dont have breeding tank. the 35 litre tank has already got another female in, 5 glow lights & 4 x ray tetras & 1 oto. -

I do have a net for the fry....if I was to put the pregnant female into the net in the same tank...so to separate her from the rest of the fish.....will the 20-30 fry or w/e it is make a big load on the filter. causing it to crash ?

I do have a 54 litre tank, but that has 4 males & 2 danios & 2 silver tips, 1 clam & 2 shrimp.

Or do I just let the female breed in the tank openly with all the other tetras, and just see which fry can hide & survive if not all eaten.

Bearing in mind eventually 54 litre will be home to some of the new male baby guppys (few weeks old)

Move the x rays into 54 litre for now and give the 35 litre just for the 2 females & glowlights & fry.

Hmmmmm help! lol
I have 1 fry......

the guppy was taking a dump! & the lil fry just came out.........

guppy still pooing! :shout:

no more fry yet...

maybe just a one off, the fry escaped! lol
11 hours later....... no more other fry.

just the 1 :crazy:

Guppy still fat.

So now what ? take the female out of the net or just leave her still in there with the 1 fry?

dont want the fry to get eaten....then again...... if she has any more dont want the other fish to eat the other fry if I take her out.......
If she has only been in 1 day, i would leave her another night, after that take her out, 2 nights is the max you should leaver her in and thats pushing it a bit. :)
K done,

I have taken her out now, almost 2 days & nothing... os now she is back to her friends.

Left the 1 fry all by him/herself in the net - surely he/she will get stressed no doubt.

Mixed emotions about this pregnancy. Was expecting laods of fry, now dissappointed lol :crazy:
K done,

I have taken her out now, almost 2 days & nothing... os now she is back to her friends.

Left the 1 fry all by him/herself in the net - surely he/she will get stressed no doubt.

Mixed emotions about this pregnancy. Was expecting laods of fry, now dissappointed lol :crazy:

Dont worry they have them every month so they will be lots more to come, the more times they give birth, the greater amounts of fry they drop :)
cool, she still sitting on top of the filter in isolation from the other fishies.
Just keep a close eye on her buddy, make sure there is no sign of disease or anything.

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