Overcrowding Help!

You should do it asap as you will only end up with more problems later on. Take them back to the store. If they're healthy fish they should take them. They may not give you any money for them though, you might get store credit instead. I'd honestly take back the plecs ( you do know these don't clean anything right? ) , 3-4 angels, the sharks and the crabs.
i dont have any receipts etc from the sharks or angels........and the shop is an hour away :( x
You don't always need a reciept, many stores will just take them. Call up and ask first to save a wasted trip. Also, if it turns out that they won't take them, advertise them for re-homing on this forum and see if anyone here has room for them.
I will be so upset to part with nay of my fish now I love them all :( I bought some bogwood today (58 quidsworth) and more live plants. it looks fab now :) x
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum!

I had a 60litre tank for a while and have recently upgraded to a 240litres (55gal) tropical set up. Up until a few weeks ago I had 7 small angelfish, 3 small silver sharks, 6 small corys, 10 penguin tetras, 1 medium sized plec apple snails, bamboo shrimp, cherry shrimp and a couple or red tropical crabs. I then bought 3 large gouramis, a small plec and 4 paradise fish.....is my tank overstocked?

Yes, there are a few issues:

1) Angels - how tall is the tank? And 7 is a LOT. When these guys are all grown up (so 6 inches x 8 inches) you are going to have fun fitting them in with all the other fish. The kind of fun that isn't actually fun.

2) Silver sharks AKA bala sharks. These guys grow to a foot long and need 6 foot (minimum) tanks.

3) Plecs . . . what kind? Common? Sailfin? Gibbiceps? Bristlenose? Some plecs would be absolutely fine in your tank. However, if you paid under £4 for a small one . . . it'll probably be a common or sailfin, and these guys can get to 2 foot long. Another addition to the 6 foot tank.

4) Gouramis - again, what kind? Some will be fine. Many will be fine . . . some (like giant gouramis and kissing gouramis) will need a much larger tank. If they are giants (and I hope not), then rehome them. Even the 6 foot tank isn't big enough. If kissing or another species that sits in the 10-12 inch bracket, then they'll do very well in that 6 foot tank.

5) Crabs - don't be surprised if some of your fish are injured or eaten. Really don't recommend keeping them with fish. Also - will need some dry land.

6) Paradise fish - these guys prefer 22-24 C so you may find need a rather cooler tank than the one you have.

All fish grow up. It is very rare for the shop to sell only adult fish and it is also very rare for a shop to only sell fish into the right tank or to even know how big all their stock will get. You seem to have fallen into the trap of liking the look of a fish and so buying it. There will always be a way to get the fish you want to research before you buy.

Never think about whether you are overstocked now, as that can lead to a false sense of security. When you realise you have several 20 cm long fish that may have stunted growth, suddenly it becomes very urgent to rehome them but what happens if you can't? Or what happens if you decide to upgrade the tank "in a couple of years" but can't afford to or need to move to a smaller house?

What about this for a stocking plan:

3 x angels
6 x corys (are they all the same species?)
10 x penguin tetras
1-2 x apple snails
4-6 x bamboo shrimp
6-10 x cherry shrimp
3 x gouramis (assuming they are not species that exceed about 5 inches)

Then you could add:

1 x bristlenose or bulldog plec
10 x other tetras/rasboras OR 7 x tiger barbs (or similar)

But wait until everyone has settled down and grown a bit first. You won't know how your tank is doing and whether it can cope with more fish unless you give it time.
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum!

I had a 60litre tank for a while and have recently upgraded to a 240litres (55gal) tropical set up. Up until a few weeks ago I had 7 small angelfish, 3 small silver sharks, 6 small corys, 10 penguin tetras, 1 medium sized plec apple snails, bamboo shrimp, cherry shrimp and a couple or red tropical crabs. I then bought 3 large gouramis, a small plec and 4 paradise fish.....is my tank overstocked?

Yes, there are a few issues:

1) Angels - how tall is the tank? And 7 is a LOT. When these guys are all grown up (so 6 inches x 8 inches) you are going to have fun fitting them in with all the other fish. The kind of fun that isn't actually fun.

2) Silver sharks AKA bala sharks. These guys grow to a foot long and need 6 foot (minimum) tanks.

3) Plecs . . . what kind? Common? Sailfin? Gibbiceps? Bristlenose? Some plecs would be absolutely fine in your tank. However, if you paid under £4 for a small one . . . it'll probably be a common or sailfin, and these guys can get to 2 foot long. Another addition to the 6 foot tank.

4) Gouramis - again, what kind? Some will be fine. Many will be fine . . . some (like giant gouramis and kissing gouramis) will need a much larger tank. If they are giants (and I hope not), then rehome them. Even the 6 foot tank isn't big enough. If kissing or another species that sits in the 10-12 inch bracket, then they'll do very well in that 6 foot tank.

5) Crabs - don't be surprised if some of your fish are injured or eaten. Really don't recommend keeping them with fish. Also - will need some dry land.

6) Paradise fish - these guys prefer 22-24 C so you may find need a rather cooler tank than the one you have.

All fish grow up. It is very rare for the shop to sell only adult fish and it is also very rare for a shop to only sell fish into the right tank or to even know how big all their stock will get. You seem to have fallen into the trap of liking the look of a fish and so buying it. There will always be a way to get the fish you want to research before you buy.

Never think about whether you are overstocked now, as that can lead to a false sense of security. When you realise you have several 20 cm long fish that may have stunted growth, suddenly it becomes very urgent to rehome them but what happens if you can't? Or what happens if you decide to upgrade the tank "in a couple of years" but can't afford to or need to move to a smaller house?

What about this for a stocking plan:

3 x angels
6 x corys (are they all the same species?)
10 x penguin tetras
1-2 x apple snails
4-6 x bamboo shrimp
6-10 x cherry shrimp
3 x gouramis (assuming they are not species that exceed about 5 inches)

Then you could add:

1 x bristlenose or bulldog plec
10 x other tetras/rasboras OR 7 x tiger barbs (or similar)

But wait until everyone has settled down and grown a bit first. You won't know how your tank is doing and whether it can cope with more fish unless you give it time.

One plec is common and one is gibbi. I hav e the chance today to buy bristlenoses for £1.50....? Should I swap them with 2 of the BN plecs?

Hi Rob,

I'm afraid you've learned the hard way (as unfortunately many do) that there's no substitute for planning ahead before buying any fish. There's a lot to consider; how many would you need of a certain type for them to feel comfortable and stress-free; how will they react to other types of fish; what will their eventual size be?. I think your main focus at the moment is getting a new home for the Silver Sharks. I knew someone who kept them and they seem to stay a reasonable size for so long, then they absolutely shoot up seemingly overnight. Please look at getting these back to the shop you bought them from. Did the shop ask you any questions when you bought this mix of fish?. A few will, many won't. The sooner you decide what you want to keep and what you want to move on, the better it will be for them AND you.
I will be so upset to part with nay of my fish now I love them all :( I bought some bogwood today (58 quidsworth) and more live plants. it looks fab now :) x

I was told by my LFS I could get 2 clown loaches which was rubbish for 120 litre. I lost his bud and now only have one, who I adore. I know I have to get him a new home which I am gutted about so I understand your reluctance. :unsure: But have to say I would rather let him go now (esp as I have only 1) as I would find it harder to watch him grow and then have to let him go. (poet didn't know it!)
I will be so upset to part with nay of my fish now I love them all :( I bought some bogwood today (58 quidsworth) and more live plants. it looks fab now :) x

I was told by my LFS I could get 2 clown loaches which was rubbish for 120 litre. I lost his bud and now only have one, who I adore. I know I have to get him a new home which I am gutted about so I understand your reluctance. :unsure: But have to say I would rather let him go now (esp as I have only 1) as I would find it harder to watch him grow and then have to let him go. (poet didn't know it!)

Awwww :( I know :( I just went to a private breeder today and he was offeing bristlenose plecs for £1.50 and he gave me 7 for £7....
You now have 7 bristlenose plecs?

Sorry mate, I hate to dissapoint but with all your other fish (many of which are not suitable), you don't have space for 7 full grown BN plecs. They can get to 5 inches long!

2 would be pushing it with your shrimp, snails and corys.

Did you re-home your common and gibbi plecs?
I will be so upset to part with nay of my fish now I love them all :( I bought some bogwood today (58 quidsworth) and more live plants. it looks fab now :) x

Well if you want serious water quality problems and fish with no space to swim then by all means keep them. It's your tank after all.

The kindest option for the fish is to re-home them. To keep them and have them potentially suffer overcrowding and poor water quality is not love. That's selfish.
I will be so upset to part with nay of my fish now I love them all :( I bought some bogwood today (58 quidsworth) and more live plants. it looks fab now :) x

Well if you want serious water quality problems and fish with no space to swim then by all means keep them. It's your tank after all.

The kindest option for the fish is to re-home them. To keep them and have them potentially suffer overcrowding and poor water quality is not love. That's selfish.

Im gonna try and sort the sharks and a couple of angelfish (and large plecs asap over next few weeks). The guy just went into his fish room and got the BN plecs for me, they are TINY so i didnt really count them till i got home....


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