Overactive Corys?


Aug 1, 2011
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I have 1 albino and 1 pepper cory and all day they have been way more active than usual. They're swimming madly up and down the glass, is there a reason for this? Thanks.
Cories do sometimes get a mad day, but have you tested your water and done a part change to be on the safe side?
Mine get extra active during breeding; the females zoom up and down the glass to "clean" a spot for the eggs and the males are following the females a lot. They also zoom around right after a water change I find.
Ok. Interesting. I did a gravel clean and water change yesterday. I don't know the sex of either of them. Leads me to next question, how do you sex them?
Ok. Interesting. I did a gravel clean and water change yesterday. I don't know the sex of either of them. Leads me to next question, how do you sex them?

When they are young, it's very difficult. Generally speaking, females will be rounder in the belly, larger in body size over-all and males will be smaller and more streamlined in the abdomen.
All mine were super active this morning after the weekly w/c, very amusing :lol:

Depending on your tank size,they could do with more friends each :good:

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