over feeding


New Member
Jan 4, 2005
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:-( hello im new to this forum and require help i have 4 plecs (unsure what type) and 8 tetras i feed my fish once a day as told by the pet shop , i feed the aglae biscuit things to my plecs i put about 4 in and flakes for my tetras , i cant keep my water clean and the gravel is full of waste from the plecs its driving me potty , so i am gathering i need to reduce the feeds , i wnat to know how often i should be feeding them , they are large plecs about 12-14 inches in size , thankyou in advance xx :D
Firstly Welcome to the forum!

IMO the number of wafers you are feeding is fine, but plecs are very messy beasts especialy the bigger ones!

I have a couple of ideas for you based on my own experiences.

1. Use a gravel vac and do a 30% water change twice a week.

2. Invest in extra filtration.

If you could supply a few details such as the tank size, and water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) then that would also be useful.

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