Over feeding?

a couple of things:

you waste food

you bloat out your fishes bellies and make them sick

they poop and pee more and in turn produce more fish waste

which raises your potential for ammonia/nitrite spikes

and it gunks up your tank wth uneaten food, fish waste, etc

wear out your filter cartridges faster than usual

i think that covers it, but i am sure i left out other things.....

p.s. there are never any stupid questions ;)
The main problem (along with the above ;) )

....is any uneaten food can rot and pollute the tank possibly leading to poor water conditions and fish health...

I agree with everyone above. and if you think you are overfeeding try feeding every other day instead of every day! :D
We are all guilty of over feeding at some stage more so at the begining. Remember that your fish should be hungry but not starving. Once a week i skip a day's feeding, this is to let them get hungry and it also keeps the tank clean.
Once a week i skip a day's feeding, this is to let them get hungry and it also keeps the tank clean.

im glad im not the only one who does this lmao, my bf calls me cruel for doin it.

i do it when i do a water change, then the day i do the water change they have bloodworms, they dont last 5 mins in there :thumbs:

i starve them once a week like clockwork lmao... they are 'almost' used to it now, they still come staring at me through the glass tho, probably muttering somthin like ' oi woman will u god damn feed us, can u not see were starvin!!!!!' :look:

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