Outdoor Fishponds In Canada?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2007
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My friend is determined to get an outdoor pond going and grow some fancy coldwaters (or at least really nice goldfish) to their maximum size; But I'm thinking she would be buying new fish every year :crazy:

Wainwright, Alberta- this is southwestern Canada. Temperatures range from 30C to -30C (40C to -60C if you count the occasional extremes) It sounds like a deathtrap to me, but then again I suppose there are several fish species that manage to thrive in the local waters... She has a huge saltwater aquarium, so there's some fish experience, but she's never done anything like this before. Do you think it could be managed with a good heating system? If so; what kind of fish would you recommend?

I'm assuming that most of you would agree with me on this one, though :rolleyes:

I remember reading way back in a koi magazine this article on a guy who kept koi in canada, his pond was 6-10ft deep in places and he needed serious heating in the pond particularly in the winter to keep the fish alive, the pond looked awesome but it was very expensive to run and maintain.

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