Outa The Ordinary 20l


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
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Since my hex leaked this has been my new/replacement tank, untill I move and build the bigger one. It was going to be your average SW tank, 2 percs, frog spwan/anem, and corals up the wazu but when I got into it I started to see that everywhere and it got kinda annoying, So I figured I'd do something you don't see has much, seahorses. And so my tank was born.

The entire setup has been up and running for ~4 months.

AGA standard 20L
Fluval 205
-Black Diamond
Seaclone 100
Coralife 24" dual 65W PC
Rio 600
Visa-therm Stealth 100W
Several timmers

Kent Marine ChromaPlex
Kent Marine Pro Buffer dKH
Reef Success Calcium+3
Garlic Guard

2 Female Kuda
1 Twin Spot Goby
1 Female Mandrin Dragnet
1 Neon Goby

Silvertip Xenia

Feather duster
lots of coco worms -they must be breeding
5 Scarlet hermits
1 Trochas
1 Fighting Conch

Now when I got the Twin Spot the guy at the LFS said they've never eatten frozen and they don't last longer than six months for the same reason mandrins don't. Well mine eats frozen like its a drug and I didnt have to do any 'training' or anything. Now the LFS is even trying to get theirs to eat frozen because I told them about mine.


Side view


Bigger Seahorse

Smaller Seahorse

Both Together

Your tank looks really good mate but i think 5 fish in a 20 is a little crammed :X

Keep an eye on the Mandarin i know you've got him eating frozen but i swear i can see a bit of a pinched tummy there which is never a good sign :/ Unless you bought him skinny and are fattening him up? :good:
Your tank looks really good mate but i think 5 fish in a 20 is a little crammed :X

Keep an eye on the Mandarin i know you've got him eating frozen but i swear i can see a bit of a pinched tummy there which is never a good sign :/ Unless you bought him skinny and are fattening him up? :good:

It's 20 US gallons.

I usually judge the amount of fish that are able to be held in such a tank be their relative sive activity, and likelyhood to claim territory. So if all the fish and inverts are getting along, there's no hiding of this one or that one, everyone is eating, and water perams are in check, then all is fine be me. Even if most people say there are to meny fish.
You are correct, behaviour and activity (and individual requuirements) in fish is a much better rule to follow than a general X/Y inches/gallon rule, but I think your just about there in stocking, and thats why most people tell you, because your LR can only deal with a certain level. :D I like the pic of you SH's, and the one of your Mandarin. Is your Mandarin on Frozen like your Twin Spot? I havnt heard such bad things about twin spotted Gobies, more about Sleeper Head Gobies not surviving in tanks without decent meiofauna.
No the Mandrin is not yet on frozen but she is getting there.
Dont want to be a doom sayer but a manderin in a 20 gallon syatem is a bad idea

In my experience you will struggle to keep it alive

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