Hi all, I have had my betta since March, don't know how old he was when I got him though....
All of a sudden about 3 weeks ago, he just changed. He still eats well, twice a day.....but seems more listless preferring to hang at the bottom of the bowl, instead of around the sides up high....sometimes when I try to get his attention, he doesn't seem to hear me or notice me at all when he is resting on the bottom.....as far as I can tell he has no noticable illness. Just wondering if this is the start of old age . My only other betta that I lost in March lived with me for 4 years. So I am wondering .....do you think this is old age?
oh and since 3 weeks ago he is not bubble nesting at all either
hrm, I'm not sure if old age is to blame or not. I had a Betta boy for over 3 years, and he was always active and happy. There are a few factors that have the most impact on a healthy Betta's activity level ~ tank size/variety, warmth, boredom, and water cleanliness. First off, make sure the water is ALWAYS between 75-80*, with little change in temperature. It's getting to be winter, so it could be the cold weather that is causing him to be listless. Also, how large is his bowl? You can always save up $25 for a nice, roomy Minibow 2.5gal or another similar tank. That way, you can get a small heater (Wal*Mart sells 7watts that are perfect for 2-5 gallons) and give him plenty of nice silk or live plants and a cave or two to play in. If you keep up the water changes, you could also add in a small mystery snail or an African Dwarf Frog for company. Make sure he gets at least a few minutes of daily flaring in from either seeing another Betta or propping a mirror against his tank, to give him a little bit of exercise.
Aww nothing here... remids me of the pet shop fishes sorry though... nothing i can tell u about it... hope u find the answer from somewhere here.. or ask someone at the petshop
You may be right about the temp changes. I can't tell for sure, but he may have a slight film on his body. Not fuzzy like ick though. And another thing, he has had really "ragged" fins, tails on the ends...(I'm not good with fish terminology)....for awhile now. Would this be fin rot? He is a VT if that helps to describe his fins....the ends are verrrrrry curly like they are "bent up"...I happen to notice last nite , a bit of this curly stuff fell off of his tail!
Sorry to sound confusing....
I am going to treat him with either a bit of tethracycline(sp) or an anti fungus tablet tomorrow...see if this helps...