Ok that is more like the fortress of borromir father in Gondor.....not sure I’d have it in a tank as is....when the flora grows more it will add to the ambiance so keep me posted sirI have a 30 gallon guppy tank with a castle that I call my LOTR tank, I am also a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien
No chemicals at all unless a fish is sick or tank needs medicating. Chlorine is natural and will evaporate from the bucket if left over night. I am from the age where undergravel filters were king and the cultured bacteria in the gravel cleaned water and it’s associated ammonia nitrates nitrites......and all other floating detrimental to fish crud.When you state chem free.. does that mean you're not dechlorinating your tap water? And are you not adding macro fertilizer for your plants at all?
Yeh I'd be happy to not dechlor if Severn Trent only added chlorine to the water but chloramine is another matter as it doesnt gas off like chlorine does. Do you know if chloramine is used in your water supply or if it's still just chlorine?No chemicals at all unless a fish is sick or tank needs medicating. Chlorine is natural and will evaporate from the bucket if left over night. I am from the age where undergravel filters were king and the cultured bacteria in the gravel cleaned water and it’s associated ammonia nitrates nitrites......and all other floating detrimental to fish crud.
Filters are sooooo much more powerful than 20 plus yrs ago (whisper) air pumps. They have added mediums to them that I can barely say let alone type out......heck why do I need chemicals?
+1 to this, if it's chloramine in your tap water (which I'm betting it is, chlorine is rarely used anymore), it will not gas off, and it will kill your fish and beneficial bacteria.Yeh I'd be happy to not dechlor if Severn Trent only added chlorine to the water but chloramine is another matter as it doesnt gas off like chlorine does. Do you know if chloramine is used in your water supply or if it's still just chlorine?
Yes of course, wife just doesn’t know it yet ?. One thing I have learnt in my age is don’t battle when you can convince mrs she was correct in thinking that we need sand for the fish and of course plants to thrive.Are you considering changing to sand substrate, or maybe adding a section of sand for the cories and kribs?