Hi marine brother.
Well we are still quite unsure on what we want as myself and Mr zipzap want different fish. and we are still looking around to see what fish go with each other. but so far we would like -
2 common clowns
make sure you get two small juvies
Flame Angelfish
flameback angel, sweet fish that should be fine with corals
A puffer fish, i have one in mind that i have seen but i need to go back and ask what it is called as i cant remember
The only reef safe puffer is the valentini puffer or the blue spot toby, you could have either as long as you are happy to sacrafice your small snails - they shouldn't take any shrimps as long as the shrimps are in first and large
i would love a dragon wrasse, but we wont be getting one as there very hard to look after.
Not so hard to look after, just ugly and a pain in the butt when they get older and too big for your tank
but we do really love the psychedelic mandarin dragonets. which would would love to get.
not until your tank is older and you are cultivating your own pods, but it is do-able
But as you can see we are still very unsure and need as much help as we can on this. there are others we like but want to make sure that all the fish we get will go and be happy living along side to each other.
also not forgetting some more snails, crabs and shrimps which Mr zipzag like the fire,blood, cleaner shrimp. plus i would like a star fish.
the only star fish suitable for your tank is a sand sifting star. I wouldn't put a blood shrimp in with the normal cleaner, have one or the other. The blood will hide and not bother corals, the cleaner will not hide but walk all over corals and annoy them
I have just got our mushroom polyps there is 7 of them all different colours
there is really lovely blue/green
Sounds nice, are they mushrooms or zoas?