Our New Arrival, Zazu


Mostly New Member
Sep 8, 2013
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I finally made it home and SwimminginMusic and I set up our first tank in anticipation of a new arrival.  It's a planted tank that we are going to have to redo at some point.  Swimming really wanted to get her new betta, so replanting and contouring of substrate will have to wait.  Off we went Saturday afternoon to the lfs and she found what she was looking for, a healthy looking blue veil-tail.  She spent an hour gradually acclimating him to the tank water and finally into the tank he went, although it took him a while to recover from the net.  I promise we will post pictures and possibly video if we can get it.
I want to try to get video because of behavior of this fish.  The first night he became fascinated with the light on the heater.  He would swim around and then come back to the heater and stare at the light, when it was out he would wait till it came back on.  Today we bought a hood and as soon as we got light into the tank he really came to life.  Now his favorite game is to surf.  Evidently there is a current across the front of the tank.  He will swim into the current and then let it push him to the opposite end.  Sometimes he does it horizontal swimming backwards and other times he will go vertical.  Most of the time he does it with his fins spread as far as possible.  Like I mentioned, video and pictures to come.  I didn't realize a fish could be so entertaining.
:lol: Glad you are enjoying your latest addition!
Can't wait for pictures! :snap:
Just checking, you did cycle the tank, right?
Many times it's the first time they have felt a current to swim in or to see a heater light :) Your new betta probably will get easily tired swimming as he builds up his muscles so it might be good to reduce the flow from your filter for a while to help him out.
We decided not to do a fishless cycle for the moment with all the plants in the tank.  What we are doing is keeping a close watch on the ammonia.  After 2 days it stands at zero.  As far as calm water, there seem to be plenty of places he can rest on the plants or just chill hidden among them.  Since I leave tomorrow it becomes Swimming's responsibility to keep an eye on water changes an her new fish.  We bought the plant pack for a 30 gal. tank from Liveaquaria and put all of them in a 10 gal.  There are times we can't find ZaZu because he is hidden either on the surface or among the plants in the back.
Can't wait for pictures, sounds like an awesome tank and ZaZu is a lucky guy! :)

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