Our New 8Ft

That's great that you have that kind of support! Very cool. My wife likes our tank...but I don't think she would like me taking up a significant chunk of floor space with one...yet.
My other half didn't approve at all 2 years back when I had my 1st tank and that was only a little 40 litre... Then she complained every time I upgraded... Which I'm on my 10th tank now :) iv had a 40, 90, 110, rio 125, 130, 150, rio 180, vision 180, vision 260 and now rio 400 all in just over 2 years. Sold them all now except for the 150 litre and the Rio 400 to make room for the 8 foot 800 litre.
Finally got around to filling it up and transferring most of the decor and fish over, need to transfer the clown loaches and plecs hopfully tonight along with the other filter and last of the sand. looks stunning so far, just wish we can have live plants but the plecs wont let me. Will hopefully get some pictures up soon.
This looks amazing, would love a tank like that. A massive group of cardinal tetras or something similar would look amazing.

Looking forward to pictures.
Looks like some or most may need counseling after seeing this awesome tank Neil,me included....... :D is there a help line..... :*
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Can't work out how to put pictures up on here from my iPhone as weve just moved house and have no Internet.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Can't work out how to put pictures up on here from my iPhone as weve just moved house and have no Internet.
I too have an iPhone. I downloaded the photobucket app then I upload the pics to that, copy the IMG code and then paste it on here :good:



Please bare in mind that our priority was to get all the livestock in alive and all the sand and decor. One we've sorted out the house I can turn my attention to getting the tank looking better. Your options would be nice to hear.
That's awesome! Some nice greenery in there would finish of off. Just a pity your plecs say no :angry:

But lovely set up :good:

Edit: spelling
Crikey - the tank is so big that you had to stand miles back to get it all in the pictures......
It's going to look great, is it dark because you used your phone?........
It's the phone. We've used two 5m LED strips, so it's actually quite bright when they are both on.
I just got my 6x2x2 set up and now i'm thinking i should have went bigger!! :hyper: That is going to be totally awesome when its all set up. thanks for making mine look small... haha

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