Our Betta Gill


Fish Crazy
Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Rockland County, New York
So, my betta's new hobby is to hang out at the bottom of the heater. When the gravel is too high, he'll even turn on his side so he can slide under and be between the wall and the heater. I don't know if he's jut staring at himself, or that's become his new home because it anchors him down nicely despite the current generated by the filter (yes, I have a filter... I also have other fish in with him)

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He's pretty :)

What kind fo fish do you have him in with?

Thanks! My 3yr old named him from Finding Nemo.

He's in with 4 danios and a corydoras.

I know, danios should be at least 6, and the cory should be at least 3, but I was following stocking suggestions in a certain book (substituted platies and cherry barbs with Gill). They're also in too small a tank for the danios... I only found all this stuff out on this site, and that was past the time the lfs would take back the fish... and now we're quite attached to them. I plan to eventually convince my husband to allow me a 10 gal (we're in a small apartment, so space is at a premium - especially with an active preschooler, and a 6 1/2 month old boy who's already squirming around the floor), which would make the danios happy, and be barely big enough for the cory. Someday, when we get a house, I'll get a really big tank and rehome everyone but whatever betta I have then into the big tank.
He's pretty :)

What kind fo fish do you have him in with?

Thanks! My 3yr old named him from Finding Nemo.

He's in with 4 danios and a corydoras.

I know, danios should be at least 6, and the cory should be at least 3, but I was following stocking suggestions in a certain book (substituted platies and cherry barbs with Gill). They're also in too small a tank for the danios... I only found all this stuff out on this site, and that was past the time the lfs would take back the fish... and now we're quite attached to them. I plan to eventually convince my husband to allow me a 10 gal (we're in a small apartment, so space is at a premium - especially with an active preschooler, and a 6 1/2 month old boy who's already squirming around the floor), which would make the danios happy, and be barely big enough for the cory. Someday, when we get a house, I'll get a really big tank and rehome everyone but whatever betta I have then into the big tank.

Omg...I love Finding Nemo. I'm 21 and that's one of my favorite movies :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm not familiar with danios or corydoras...but could they be picking on him and that's why he's hiding?
Omg...I love Finding Nemo. I'm 21 and that's one of my favorite movies :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm not familiar with danios or corydoras...but could they be picking on him and that's why he's hiding?

We love Nemo too!

The corydoras stays on the bottom of the tank (except for an occasional race to the surface for a breath) and bothers nobody. In fact, while Gill might occasionally chase a danio, he's been caught hovering over the cory as she eats from her algae wafer - as if to guard her from the danios :hyper:

As for the danios, they either "play tag" with each other (never seen them try to "play" with Gill), or search the gravel for fallen food flakes.
I think that Gill might be streesed out by the some times fast and sudden movement of the cory's and danio's. I would say either take him out, or move everyone else. Or maybe he is just a little stressed, have you moved the tank or done a huge water change in about the last week or so? Hoped i helped.
A Cory by himsef is not really happy. In addition Cories are insectavores, not herbavores. The Betta will , as you say. "anchor himself" to keep from having to fight the current. He is more likely eyeing the Cory's wafer. He may also as kribensis wonders be stressed by the fast movement of the danios. In all I would say this is not a tank set up for the fish.

There is lots of anthropormorphism going on in your fish keeping. Try to see the tank from the fish's point of view. This is done by researching your fish.

Oops! Sorry I now see you realize that this ia not an ideal setup from the fish's point of view. Why not put the Betta in an unfiltered 3-5 usg Betta tank and add a Cory.

Also I would watch the dash to gulp air by the Cory. Done very frequently this can indicate lower oxygenation that the Cory likes. They are primarily a river fish and like water movement and high oxygen. Where as the Betta is a still pool fish that is not concerned about high oxygen, but likes still water.
A Cory by himsef is not really happy. In addition Cories are insectavores, not herbavores. The Betta will , as you say. "anchor himself" to keep from having to fight the current. He is more likely eyeing the Cory's wafer. He may also as kribensis wonders be stressed by the fast movement of the danios. In all I would say this is not a tank set up for the fish.

There is lots of anthropormorphism going on in your fish keeping. Try to see the tank from the fish's point of view. This is done by researching your fish.

Oops! Sorry I now see you realize that this ia not an ideal setup from the fish's point of view. Why not put the Betta in an unfiltered 3-5 usg Betta tank and add a Cory.

Also I would watch the dash to gulp air by the Cory. Done very frequently this can indicate lower oxygenation that the Cory likes. They are primarily a river fish and like water movement and high oxygen. Where as the Betta is a still pool fish that is not concerned about high oxygen, but likes still water.

I agree, 100%. That corydoras definitely not only needs atleast 3 more companions (that's the bare minimum), 5 more would be best, they also prefer sand bottom tanks, as gravel can hurt their fine whiskers, and make it difficult for them to feed.. I would remove the betta, and try to set it up so that the Corydoras can have it's mini school of other Cories (they really do need cory companionship), and a sand bottom, or atleast, very very fine gravel bottom. The size of gravel you have right now could be stressing out the Cory, and as has been already said, that set up is not at all good for a betta.. :) I'm sorry to seem harsh, but I would definitely remove the betta and get a 3 -5 gallon for it. They definitely don't like currents, especially if he's hiding at the bottom, using a heater to hold himself so that he won't be tossed about by the water flow. I'm not entirely sure about the minnows, but if it says 6, they probably need 6 as well. Minnows are also schooling fish if what I've observed is correct, so that's my 2 cents.
Good luck with your tank. :)
Most LPS/LFS will take the fish. They just will not give full dollar. If this is less than a 10 usg, take the other fish back and make a nice Betta tank sans filter.
Posted Yesterday, 10:56 PM
Posting difficulties, jollysue? lol

ya think? :lol: :lol: :lol: this multiple nonsense erased!

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