Our 200ltr Journal

A little update on my tank. All things are good, in the 6 months its been up and running, I haven't lost any stock and everyone is getting on well. My juvi Angel is getting bigger fast, as are the Red Phantoms, which I suspect are almost fully grown.

I've recently added a canister, as I said I was going to do. I ended up going with a 305 (Fluval) that does 1000lph (about 710lph flow). I spent 4.5hrs last week pulling plants, pruning, re-planting new clippings, vacuuming, doing a w/c and putting the new 305 in.

I should of pulled the noodles out of the hood and put them straight in to the 305, but I just left the Jebo power head in until it seeds the 305. I suspect the power head is blocked with debris as it is not moving as much water as it should be, hopefully it isn't a sealed unit, and I can get to the impeller and pull out whatever is slowing it down.


I have a quick question about my Angels. I have two of them, and the last few days I have been seeing some behavior that I haven't seen before. One of them (the black one) has been shaking it's fins almost in a display, while the other is 3-4" away watching. Then they lock lips for a few seconds, this happens one or two times and they go their own way.

I'm pretty sure it's love, but just wanted opinions, as I haven't seen courtship between fish before. I had a look on youtube at some courting Angels, and the behavior was similar though not for as long as the ones in the video. I thought that my black Angel was still a little immature (I got it at Christmas when it was about the size of a 50c piece).

The thing that has me curious, is that they (more so the marble) are still quite aggressive to each other when it comes to territory.

What fish would be showing off (ie: the fin shaking display), I'm guessing the male?.

Wouldn't it be a fluke if I ended up with a pair!. :wub:

Just found this;

Angelfish of both sexes will also flash fins, face off, lock their mouths and twist around. When a couple has been formed, they will choose a spawning site and start cleaning it together.
Thought I'd put a new pic up, not much has changed in the way of stock. I'm not sure what I want to put in next!. This latest photo shows how much my sword has kicked on since it's been on steroids (aka - root tabs). The Java Moss has gone nuts also (I just removed around 30-40% the day this photo was taken). I also pulled up the Wisteria, clipped it and replanted some and threw the rest out. The standard power head is also gone (along with the built in hood trickle filter), I'm now running the 305 canister.

I'm probably going to fill the rear corners in with some thin Val, and next water change, I'll be adding another 20kg of gravel.

I don't have a test kit for kH, put I need to try and buffer my pH as it is falling to almost 6.0 (tap water is around 7.0-7.2). If I was to use crushed coral in the canister, should I keep it there permenatly? does it need to be replaced so often? and is it commonly available at good fish shops?. I don't want to use chemicles/bi-carb soda/pH UP etc.


Looks very nice. The amazon looks very healthy and I like the bare patches of substrate.

Why buffer? The 6.0pH is perfectly acceptable to the species that I see swimming around in there. What percentage is your waterchange? What is your current stock?
I do 20% weekly. I just dont want the pH to keep dropping. I'm not sure what is causing it to fall, the wood I'm guessing. I'm not sure how inert the substrate is either. I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes.

I do 20% weekly. I just dont want the pH to keep dropping. I'm not sure what is causing it to fall, the wood I'm guessing. I'm not sure how inert the substrate is either. I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes.


What is the substrate? I see sand, which is usually inert.

No, it isn't sand, it's a fine (1-2mm) gravel. I still have another 20kg of it to add. We move house in the next 3 months, so that's when I will add the other 20kg along with some more plants and fish. As for the pH, I'll keep an eye on it over the next month or two and see what it does.

Thanks for your replies,

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