Our 200ltr Journal


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2006
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Today our new 200ltr tank/stand arrived. It is a black Jebo R390 (200ltr). It was purchased new in the box for AU$250 (RRP AU$799+). The standard equipment is a 900LPH powerhead, with built in mechanical and biological filteration (foam & bio balls) in the hood, and 3x20W fluros.

This is my 1st serious attempt at the aquarium hobby, after maintaining a small 35ltr tank for the last 18 months. Only recently have I started using live plants, and thankfully they are of the hardy variety, with good results.

I may set up a canister if the standard filter is not up to the job down the track, and see how the light goes also. I'm planing on using hardy plants that wont require much WPG ie: Amazon Swords, Wisteria etc. If need be, I will replace the tubes for some higher wattage units.

On order to be delivered this week are;

• Fluval Tronic 200w heater (was going the 2x100W option, but decided not)
• 24" vacuum
• Large magnet
• Thermometer
• 24" Double sided background

Other bits and pieces I have around the house will also be used in the set-up. I still have to sort out what substrate I'm going to use, I was planning on using sand, but don't think I will now. I'm undecided on fine white or black gravel.

As mentioned the tank will be planted (no CO2), and will house a mixed community of Angles, Dwarf Gouramis, and a few others, namely Tetras, & a Bristlenose or two.

Other things I have are some pieces of driftwood.

The stand and tank was set-up today, but that is as far as I have got, as I have to buy some substrate, and await the arrival of the new heater before I can progress.

The tank will be located where we currently have our 35ltr planted established tank, so this requires a water change, relocating the old tank (to be used as a Tetra community), and setting up the new tank.

I'm going to use water & filter media from the established 35ltr to kick off the new tank, until it is fully cycled (fishless).

I'll start adding plenty of pics as soon as I have the tank in place and I'm ready to start the fun part...

Thanks for reading, and keep tuned :D

Went out today and got some gravel. I was almost going to get some 3mm natural brown that one shop had, then I ended up getting this;



4x10kg Bags ultra fine quartz gravel (I probably could of got away with 3 bags but oh well, it gives me something to play with as I want to have it pretty deep in the back of the tank).

Some other bits 'n pieces that arrived;


• Fluval Tronic 200W
• 24" vacuum
• 24" double sided background (thinking I should have got a D/S black & blue one? - maybe later)
• Thermometer
• Floating magnet cleaner
• Airline tubing (may not need it, powerhead has venturi hose)

I still have to get the lighting sorted yet (I forgot to look for tubes while I was out - I'll put that down to shopping with the Mrs. & mother in-law :yes:)

Now it's just a matter of moving the 10G, putting the Jebo in its place, washing the gravel and start filling it (and prey it doesn't fall through the floor boards!)

I'll try to take some more pics as I put it all together (sorry 56kers - but it is 2007 :p)

That is a nice fine-grain gravel, or course sand (half-full, half-empty mentality). I have a similar substrate in all of my setups. It is an excellent rooting medium. It is inert, however, so you will have to supplement by adding additional nutrients into the substrate if you choose to keep heaving root feeders (crypts, swords, etc). I've supplemented mine with laterite and rootabs. Really old school and not particularly fancy, but it got the job done and it was pretty cheap.

If I calculated the gallonage of your tank correctly, with the tubes in the hood that you have, you'll have + or - 1WPG, which is pretty sufficient for growing some very nice plants. You need to check the color temperature for your tubes. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin. Here is a quick link to a non-fish related site that has some info on it. Planted tank people aim for any temp within the 5000-10000k range, but a figure closer to between 5000-7500k is more within the norm. Many aquarists mix the color temperatures of their bulbs to achieve the desired effects.


Have a looksy at Sam's sig and My sig, both have a link to some brain-dead easy plant to grow.

Some fishy advice, I wouldn't mix angels and gouramis, especially dwarfs. The angels will bully them quite a bit. I'd also be very careful about which tetra you put in with angels. If the tetra is too small, they'll become a yummy angel treat. If you get a blood characin (Hyphessobrycon species), you'll have to watch for fin nipping. I'd do some research first.

Otherwise, great start. Look forward to seeing this up and running. Low-light, low-maintenance planted tanks are always a great first tank for someone new to the hobby.

That is a nice fine-grain gravel, or course sand (half-full, half-empty mentality). I have a similar substrate in all of my setups. It is an excellent rooting medium. It is inert, however, so you will have to supplement by adding additional nutrients into the substrate if you choose to keep heaving root feeders (crypts, swords, etc). I've supplemented mine with laterite and rootabs. Really old school and not particularly fancy, but it got the job done and it was pretty cheap.

If I calculated the gallonage of your tank correctly, with the tubes in the hood that you have, you'll have + or - 1WPG, which is pretty sufficient for growing some very nice plants. You need to check the color temperature for your tubes. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin. Here is a quick link to a non-fish related site that has some info on it. Planted tank people aim for any temp within the 5000-10000k range, but a figure closer to between 5000-7500k is more within the norm. Many aquarists mix the color temperatures of their bulbs to achieve the desired effects.

<a href="http://www.schorsch.com/kbase/glossary/cct.html" target="_blank">http://www.schorsch.com/kbase/glossary/cct.html</a>

Have a looksy at Sam's sig and My sig, both have a link to some brain-dead easy plant to grow.

Some fishy advice, I wouldn't mix angels and gouramis, especially dwarfs. The angels will bully them quite a bit. I'd also be very careful about which tetra you put in with angels. If the tetra is too small, they'll become a yummy angel treat. If you get a blood characin (Hyphessobrycon species), you'll have to watch for fin nipping. I'd do some research first.

Otherwise, great start. Look forward to seeing this up and running. Low-light, low-maintenance planted tanks are always a great first tank for someone new to the hobby.


Thanks for the reply, I have found some very useful pinned threads on "hardy plants for dummies".

The tubes are 3x20W@10000k each. And like you, I also worked out the WPG to be a little over 1WPG (60W@50G, give or take).

I'm still researching my stock list, I have kept Angles with Dwarf Gouramis before with no problems, I think it comes down to the individual fish. But still - food for thought, so to speak.

Thanks again for your advice, it's greatly appreciated. :hyper:

P.S: How long do the root tabs last on average? Do they tend to clump your gravel together?

I have finally moved the 10G, placed the 200L in it's place, washed & added gravel (no substrate under it, think I'll just try some root tabs or liquid ferts for now). The bio balls and filter media are in, water is running and the heater is on.

I'll give it a rest for now, I've had enough for one day. I'll do a water change on the 10G and add the water to the Jebo, as well as grab a piece or two of filter media from the 10G to kick things off.

I only ended up using 2 of the 4 bags of gravel so far, I don't think I'll need much more - if any.

And it hasn't fallen through the floor (touch wood).

The water is pretty cloudy, but I'm hoping it will settle over the next day or two. Maybe I should throw some carbon in the filter box to help it out?.


Thanks for reading. :good:
Another bag of substrate would give you that little bit more depth which would help with planted I sure, shallow substrate are a pig to plant into.

Another bag of substrate would give you that little bit more depth which would help with planted I sure, shallow substrate are a pig to plant into.


Yeah, I'll probably add another ½ a bag or so. I want to get a bit more depth in the back of the tank too.

Anyway, this is about where I'm up to at the moment (day 5 of cycle :crazy:).

Put the plants that I had in. Nothing exciting, I'll have to read up a little more and get some other easy ones to put in there. I'm not overly keen on the Wysteria, but it is hardy, and grows like a weed.

The water has also settled a lot over the last few days.


Some wood I got (2 pieces), and is now being boiled up and soaked.


I'm on day 22 of the cycle and about to check NH3/NO2/NO3 levels. I just have to start sorting out a stock list & slowly start adding stock over the next couple of weeks if all is looking well. I'll be doing the weekly water change on the 35L today & that water will be put into the 200L once again. Plants are nice & green & healthy. I have some Purigen on order to try and tackle the tannin from the wood also. I just have to order some more plants, & read up a little more on what ferts/tabs I'm going to try in there.
I finally have some stock in here now after almost 6 weeks. All water parameters seemed to be good, so I moved my Angel and BN into the Jebo, and went out today and got 6 Harlequins & a Clown Loach to start things off. I didn't really want the Loach, but after adding some Java Moss, I found a snail in my tank. I pulled it out, but have seen little white specs on the glass about 1-2mm big, which I assume are more of them starting life in there. Hopefully the Loach will sort that out, and if I want I can return it to the LFS.

I also added the 300LPH internal from my other tank to help out with the bio load, and will add some more stock in the next couple of weeks.

My Angel was sulking for a while, as he (we call it a he) wasn't to happy with the move, he came out to play after a couple of hours though. Hopefully he wont get a taste for little juvi Harlequins :crazy:.

I really like the way they shoal around together, and I'm seriously thinking about palming the Angel off to the LFS, and just having a community of smaller shoaling fish, rather than putting in more larger species. I've got a couple of weeks to think about it, so I'll just wait and see how he goes, and how much of a bully he really is.



Didn't take him long to come out of hiding and swim to the camera as soon as it was out.

I can't get any decent shots of the Loach or Harlequins, as my point&shoot isn't quick enough :(

I'll let it all settle for a week or two, and probably move everything around (was a rushed aquascape job).

Any other ideas for stock?. I was hoping for some Cardinals, but they are pretty small at the LFS, and might end up being Angel bait. I'd also like some Rummynose. I'll may grab 2 more Harlequins also.

Thanks for reading.

All looks very good :) love the wood, should look great in the tank.

I went out today and got some more fish. I grabbed 2 more Harlequins, another Clown Loach and a Black Velvet Angel.

I decided to go with a couple of feature fish, so I think the black Angel will look good in there with the bright green plants, white gravel and black tank. Adding the second Loach was good too, they have been out chasing each other all over the place.

So now I have;
1 Gold Marble Angel
1 Black Velvet Angel
8 Harlequins
2 Clown Loaches
1 Bristlenose

Here is a quick pic I took this afternoon. I'll try to get a better one when it's dark.

Just added 2 Flame Dwarf Gouramis, and 6 Red Phantom Tetras. I would of preferred a cobalt as well, but there was none in at the time. The Red Phantoms were kind of a spur of the moment thing. I really wanted some Cardinals (the tank needs some blue in there), but they were just to small & would end up expensive feeder fish to my Gold Marble.

Maybe I will set the 10G up again, and use that to grow out some Cardinals... I'll try and get some pics soon, I just did a water change so the water isn't very clear at the moment...

Some updated pics... I just couldn't seem to get any decent shots tonight, here's the best of the worst. :B









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