

Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2005
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Manchester UK
Oh Oh !
When I was feeding the fish this a.m. my wife casually said "do you think more of the fish than you do of me ?"
I replied " of course not darling"
Then came the stinger..........."So why have you just spent the last two hours messing with those damn fish and you haven't even given me an anniversary card"

Oh that's BAD!!! That sounds like the last 4 years with my boyfriend. He just simply cannot remember dates!!! Last year was the first year he actually planned something for our anniversary. We have fought so many times over him forgetting our anniversary :crazy: :crazy:

I told him if he forgets it this year then I'm outta here. I then asked him which I do periodically "Hon when is our anniversary again?" he replied "isn't it July 26th?" I said " no it's july 27th" Ah well a day off is better than months off: rolleyes:
willtang3000 said:
quintessential you should of said its in the car and then go and pretend to get it then peg it in the car to a card shop lol
Now that's thinking :D
Or....... dearest, sweetheart, how could you possibly think that the fish mean more to me than you do. I was simply getting my fish chores out of the way so that I have time to take you out for a really special meal tonight!

Just think 'devious female' and loads of excuses spring to mind.
Think i've cracked it.......
taking her out for tea. but on this warm day its been very cold in our house...Brrrrrrr.

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