

Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2011
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California, USA
I have algae and it's driving me crazy! i made the mistake of buying a cae and lost some fish to it. i have diatoms and some kind of stringy green algae and want to get a shoal of ottos. i have heard that they will latch on to slow moving fish. has anyone experienced this or successfully kept them with gouramis?
I have "Seen" them kept with Gourami's but not kept them myself. so cant really advise. Although i have been told they had no problems.
thanks! i have read a forum about an otto latching on to a discus and that cae did the same to my gourami so i want make sure before i buy this fish!
thanks! i have read a forum about an otto latching on to a discus and that cae did the same to my gourami so i want make sure before i buy this fish!

Like i said though i have never experienced it. But only seen it a couple of times with other people's tank's

I think the best thing to do is to wait for an expert on here :) CAE can be a nightmare mind lol
I've never had any problems with otto's... buy a shoal of at least six though as they are a shoaling fish.
i don't have a camera until friday. im trying with my phone now. man these guys are fast and don't stop moving!!!

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