Otto Sex!

thats sick.
you should leave them to it.

would you like somebody watching you at it with your bird.

thought not.

Jimmy927 said:
thats sick.
you should leave them to it.

would you like somebody watching you at it with your bird.

thought not.

Yeh why not if you get paid for having fun :p

Not have ive done anything like that :p :rolleyes:.
sod the karma sutra, i'm gonna see if i can try the otto lovin' position :hey: :blink:
Well, I rescued 3 pairs of eggs form the community on Thursday night an put them in an unused 20 litre tank on their bits of leaf. I went away for a few days and now that I'm back I have at least 3 absolutely tiny ottos. They look pretty well fully formed but only about 2mm long! They are grazing on the side of the filter house so doesn't look like I need do anything to keep them going. I am putting an algae tablet in there for them if they want it.

It's so amazing seeing fully formed fish that small.

whatever loachy
so youd rap you whole body around whoever yo are going out with and pop in you buisness would you.
(filthy boy)


it would be like :eek:sama: and :saddam: doing it doggy style.


:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
Well, I still have 3 babies and they seem fine. They are about 4-5mm long now and are still the same sand colour they were born with. They are too small for my camera to take a decent picture of yet but I'll try soon enough. Infact, they are so small they can stick to the waters surface like they do to the side of the tank!
Anone know what little otos eat?

Hiya waterloo kid, well done on your find!!

ive not got ottos, but they do seem fasinating! although i guess if their both boys or both girls it wudnt be as fun, lol.

Fingers crossed your eggs hatch! bet theyve been at it hours trying to repopulate the tank to maximum capacity! lol

Best of luck!!!
Here's the first pic I could get of one of the fry. It is sitting in the tip of a 50W heater. Only two are left. The other one was dead yesterday morning.



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Well, I seem to have three oto fry left. I must have had four to begin with. I think they hid in the small gravel pile in one corner of the tank.
It's been over a week since they were born and they are starting to display the characteristic oto behaviour. They are munching away at the glass like their parents do. They are still small and are a mottled brown colour (you can just make it out in the pic in my last post).
They seem to be eating the grime from the side of the tank. There is no filter in the tank. I do water changes of about 40% every day using either conditioned tap water or water fromt the community tank. The only food I've put in the tank has been boiled lettuce which they seemed to ignore and Liquifry No 1 for the rainbow fish fry which they share the tank with. There is a fair amount of what I assume to be bacterial or algae growth on the glass of the tank ( that white stuff that coats things in a still tank after a bit (not fungus!)) which I believe is what they are feeding from. They could also be eating the liquifry that settles out on the bottom of the tank.

More news if and when it happens......


I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Otocinclus breeding in captivity is indeed a very rare occurance, you must be very proud.

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