
White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I have a live planted 2.5g tank that housed 2 otos and one betta. One of the otos is swollen with eggs, the other I will assume is a male since it seems to 'court' the other. I removed the betta to give them privacy and kept the light on a little longer to try to grow some algae for their diet. What conditions do I need should she deposit her eggs? And if she has fry, what do I feed them? Apparently, the conditions seem to be okay or close to correct if she is producing eggs. In the 6 months I've had her, I've never seen her swollen this much.
Feed the fry algae wafers? I got the Hikari wafers already anyway, so at least I know someone out there thinks it's high quality food. :)
There's also these little white worm thingies traveling on the glass. Would the fry eat those?
Thanx! If they are successful, the first few go to Julie cuz she was looking for some and I tried looking for some for her and was unsuccessful.I'll give away more if available.
if they do breed can u loan me some.i dont have any where i live.
i belive liquifry for egglayers is a hikari product but i am not too sure.ill look it up for you
Nevermind. Von Bismarck has passed away....
Hi Itty Bitty Betta

I'm so sorry to learn about your oto's passing. :byebye:

What do you think happened?
I dunno. :dunno: All I know is that the belly was round and white and even. I removed Buttons that morning. When I got home, Von Bismarck was expired, stuck in one of the hornwort branches. The tummy then looked somewhat like the engine part of the USS Excelsior, with that big gap going towards the tail.


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