

Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
I know it may sound stupid but I'm starting to wonder if my otos are slime suckers as I keep witnessing them latching onto my other fish in the tank, normally my female pepper cory and sometimes they will try to latch onto my female bettas! Has anyone else had this?

Also do they eat hair algae?
Yes Nmonks recently mentiond they can indeed suck slime - on slower flat bodied fish more commonly - and that he's witnessed this.

Yes, they do eat algae.

The only 'plecs' I have seen eating slime have been Otocinclus. Just yesterday I had to remove the Awous goby from my community aquarium because the otos were attacking it. I hadn't realised what was causing the 'rash' he had until catching these naughty catfish in the act. Since the otos have free access to vegetable foods as well as algae, hunger isn't the reason, and I think these otos simply like to eat slime as well as green foods.


Argh nooooo I really like otos too! Hmmm looks like I'll have to keep my eye on the other fish and make sure they don't cause damage to my other fish!
Well I have to say that I've never witnessed this personally in my tank with my Otos. So it might be an individual situation or instance.
I've also witnessed this behavior one or two times with oto's and common plecs...The common plecs are large and agile though and hardly seem to be bothered by the oto's try to suck on their sailfins...I only noticed this the other day though, so havn't made up my mind on what to do with them yet.
The oto's do not bother any other fish in the tank.

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