

Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
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St Albans, UK
they wouldn't fit in my tank would they?
7.5 gallon, see pic.
have a TON of algae at the moment, the only occupant is my Betta, Bruce.
(water is fuzzy in the pic because i just did a water change, and that blue splodge is the reflection of my computer)

i've seen mixed reports over tank size for otos.
i hope to upgrade to a 15-20 gallon community some time this year, but it won't happen until i move (stupid tiny expensive london flats)

i just need to be TOLD before i go out and buy things and feel guilty

otos need clean water
they aren't very active fish and stay small
i keep a trio in one of my 5 gallon tanks and they've been fine over a year
thats a bit more positive.

clean like how?

my tanks are usually nice and clean, apart from the algae in that tank, and the bits kicked up when i did a thorough water change and gravel vac trying to get rid of some of that brown algae off the gravel.
no chlorine obviously, nitrates must be low at all times, ammonia and nitrite must always be 0 as well.

they are very sensitive to water paramaters so they must be as stable as possible. they need to be adapted to new water very slowly. i usually take 3-4 hours to adapt otos when i buy them. this might sound extreme but i have never lost an oto this way. i've lost otos when i did it too fast though.
Also bear in mind that otos you get from the LFS are apparently usually half-starved and will need a lot of algae when first introduced to the tank. Maybe when you do your water changes resist the temptation to scrape the algae off for a week or two before getting them so that they have lots of food. Here's a good site about otos that you might like to take a look at if you haven't already: http://www.otocinclus.com
thanks guys, i had a quick look at that site last night

i had heard and read that otos are senstive lil guys.
the parameters in that tank stay pretty constant, and bruce doesn't make too much mess to boost ammonia
will check nitrates/trites tonight, the nitrites have always been at 0 since it cycled
will double check what the nitrates are at now.

and if i do get some i'll order some into my LFS and order them to keep them in a nice algae infested tank please!!

i did de-algae my tank a little last night it was getting a bit nuts, sure it won't take too long to grow back though!!!!
Hi catxx :)

Otos are tricky to get established, but once you have them awhile and can see they are healthy, they are no more difficult to keep than other fish.

The problem is that between the time they are caught and the time they arrive in the lfs, they often starve. When they haven't eaten for a time, they lose the bacteria in their stomachs that is necessary for them to digest their food. Once this happens, they might eat, but it does them no good.

When you buy them, try not to buy from a shipment that has just arrived at the lfs. It's best if you can wait a week or two so that the weakest ones will be gone. Then buy ones that are plump looking and have round little tummies. There is a good chance that these otos will remain healthy for you. :D
thank you! i already boss my LFS around so i'm sure they won't mind this (teehee!)

also, what are oto's like PH wise? mine is fairly high, thank you london, hence the large piece of bogwood.
how PH sensitive are they? the ph goes up a little when i do water changes because of this.
I have a 55gal. with 6 otos three of them i bought last night. The other three i have had for about 4 months, my PH is 7.5. I agree with Inchworm make sure they have fat little tummies i bought 3 otos and lost 2 because they where starved :( .

also i've read that they like soft water and mine tend to be very active :D .
Does your tank have a heater and filter as i cant see one? If you get otos, they be fine for your tank as long as it is quite established, has good filtration and heating and they are properly and slowly acclimatised to the tank on arrival.
the heater and filter are hidden in the back of the tank.
it's kept at around 26ish degrees.

the tank has been running about 2 months now + 2 weeks to fully cycle.
thanks guys, i had a quick look at that site last night

i had heard and read that otos are senstive lil guys.

my odo is not that sensative at all and is one of the most active fish in my tank.he has survived practically everything.and he is one of my eldest fish
well i went to my LFS yesterday and they're gonna get some in for me next week
will let you know the outcome!

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