Otos Going Crazy


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
I have three Oto cats in a 10g
Every morning when i turn on the light they go crazy
Swimming back and forth and up and down the front and sides of the tank.
It takes them about an hour to settle down. Is this normal?

They are in there with 2 ghost shrimp, 2 amano shrimp and 1 dwarf puffer.
The Ghost shrimp also participate in the morning swim with them, and the shrimp continue it throughout the day.

Do i need to do anything special?
They seem to ignore algae wafers but eat the lettuce i put in.
I have a few of these as well. But, they don't run around like nuts...they are nuts. LOL
I've found the they ignore wafers, but hit up the veggies really well. LOL Spinach and zuccihini(Sp) blanched in microwave for a minute works really well.

Beyond that, mine are in with guppies, which seems to make them calmer.

You might consider a dither fish or two, i.e. neons, guppies, or something similar.
If light comes on or off suddenly fish can be shocked, but the erratic swimming usually lasts a minute or two maximum. Try upping and decreasing light slowly by turning on the room light for 10 mins first before the aquarium light and leave on after lights off. The other possible explanation is that its a small tank and they may not have enough hiding places, these two things can cause fish to swim up and down the tank glass.

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