otos BRED?!


Jul 18, 2005
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ok so i look in my tank thismorning an i see FRY! but i dont have anything that might have bred sept for my otos. all i have in it is a male betta an 2 otos. my tank set up is gravel an java moss a melon sword an some seed thangs that i got from walmart an grew an some floating plant i got from my grandmums pond. ive had this tank set up for about a year....but ive only had the otos about 2 weeks. it is a ten gal. an im boiling a lil but of spinich for them as i type an my betta doesnt seem to mind the lil fry swiming. i put a piece of my step moms pantie hose(she knows an said it was ok :p) on the filter sucker in thing so i dont lose any. ill leave more when i learn more about them- TO GOOGLE!!!
Yep, this is precicely how most Otto breeding happens... with the owners being completely unaware of it going on.

Its happened to me once, unfortunately while I was away on holiday. The photos we saw had tiny little otto-shaped and coloured fry, and the chances of any of our other fish producing fry were small... they never had before and they werent in their desired beeeding conditions either.

Try to carefully syphon as many of them out into a grow-out tank as possible. Use air tubing as a syphon hose, the current flow wont kill the tiny fry. If youve got a betta in the tank then youd be better off doing this sooner rather than later.

Baby Ottos are yum :/
i got a turkey baster an put them into a 20long gal an actually something i noticed. my betta who has never been bred was actually takeing the fry an PUTING THEM IN TO A BUBBLE NEST! first i saw him take one in his mouth :crazy: i thought he ate it... then he swam over to the bubble nest an put it in there but it fell out as soon as he did so he put it back in. an when i got the baster an started sucking babys up he went crazy on the baster...he would make such a good father i think. im going to leave a few in there an see what happens but if they start to die off ill remove them...he is such a sween heart :wub:
Aww! That's fantastic :D Perhaps it indeed couldn't hurt leaving some in with him, and letting him look after them :) I wouldn't leave all in though, because bettas have been known to after a while even start eating their own fry.

Congratz on the fry! :D We'll ofcourse need pictures asap ;)
If he's doing that, leave them in there. Or take out a few as an 'in case' measure and leave him with the rest. You could be coming on to something highly interesting, maybe you should tell the folks at the betta section :)
that actually seems like a good idea about telling the betta section.
i shall indeed.

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