Finally got myself 4 otos - very cute little fish. As I expected bottom feeding food is a no go for them as even if they were interested in it - it's going very quickly with all the shrimp around. Otos do seem happy on the glass and leaves though as I'm battling a bit of algae currently. But what else do people feed them?
Different otos sometimes have different tastes.
I heard they'd generally go crazy for tinned sliced French beans - which none of my veggie eaters ever seemed interested in.
My regular otos like cucumber that my Zebra otos are not so interested although they'll eat them when desperate.
Soggy cooked asparagus stems and Brussels sprouts (I strip off the loose leaves, even if they're the greenest, because they do tend to detach and are hard to find in planted tanks) are often popular, although so are the handles of the forks on which I impale them, lol.
Raw potatoes are supposed to be a great treat, but apparently not to mine, although I haven't yet tried the Zebras on them.
I've repeatedly tried blanching various organic salad greens (and purples)and found that snails adore them, otos not so much.
The commercially sold seaweed strips I bought seem to disintegrate long before anybody demonstrates any interest, but many people have found these to be great.
They are supposed to like blood worms and other meaty foods from time to time, although not as a staple, but I don't expect mine get much of a chance at any.
I need a lot of snails and water-changes, lol, and I hope you have better luck, because many of my fish seem to be rather fussy.