The only 'plecs' I have seen eating slime have been Otocinclus. Just yesterday I had to remove the Awous goby from my community aquarium because the otos were attacking it. I hadn't realised what was causing the 'rash' he had until catching these naughty catfish in the act. Since the otos have free access to vegetable foods as well as algae, hunger isn't the reason, and I think these otos simply like to eat slime as well as green foods.
The barbs might nip at the otto's but I think the tetras will be that sounds good, but im thinking more of:
- 2 Cherry barbs (1male/1female) - (b4 anyone says anything they can be kept i pairs!)
- 4 Black phantom tetras
- 2 Ottos -
would this be ok?
Nmonks recently mentiond they can indeed suck slime - on slower flat bodied fish more commonly - and that he's witnessed this.