Otocinclus Affinis Fry


Fish Crazy
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cheltenham, UK
I think they're Otocinclus Affinis fry..


Just wondered whats the best to feed them? I've searched the web but couldn't find anything on after they've hatched.

I've been feeding some Interpet Liquifry #1, but wondered what's best?

They're now in a breeding net and fingers crossed.

Thanks in advance..
so easy,,,,,

tub with porridge mixed with sprinklings of yeast,,,,just add a small microworm culture and in a couple of days you have millions of microworms for a great food source for young fry :good:

look for 5TEADY you can find a post by him in non fish section,,,pm him as he sells small cultures of micro worms<hopefully he still does....

seriously mate its a peice of pee to do, then you keep it in a warm dark place and do nothing except mix up new porridge every few weeks and pass a spoon full of you other one, no more, good to have one then in a week mix another so you always have a culture at hand....

fry looks cool, what fish are in the tank with the fry?
Update, only one fry left although this one seems to be doing well. Getting more and more active each day.

I've been feeding with Liquifry #1 and now moved onto #2, along with crunched up algae wafers and a few crypt leaves.


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